Issue - meetings
Borough Plan 2023-27
Meeting: 06/02/2023 - Cabinet (Item 10)
10 Borough Plan 2023-27 PDF 512 KB
This report details the findings from the draft Borough Plan consultation and engagement and sets out the changes and updates proposed in terms of adoption of the final Borough Plan to be recommended to Full Council.
Additional documents:
- 10a. Appendix A - Borough Plan Engagement and Consultation Findings Report, item 10
- 10b. Appendix B - Brent Borough Plan 2023-27, item 10
- 10c. Appendix C - Brent Borough Plan 2023-27 Evidence Base, item 10
PDF 574 KB
- 10d. Appendix D - Borough Plan 2023-27 Equalities Impact Assessment, item 10
PDF 536 KB
- Webcast for Borough Plan 2023-27
1) To endorse the following to be progressed to Full Council for finalisation and adoption:
a. Borough Plan Engagement and Consultation Findings 2023-27 (attached as Appendix A to the report)
b. Brent Borough Plan 2023 – 27 (attached as Appendix B to the report)
c. Borough Plan evidence base (attached as Appendix C to the report)
d. Equality Impact Assessment (attached as Appendix D to the report)
Councillor Muhammed Butt (Leader of the Council) introduced a report presenting the outcome of the consultation and engagement undertaken on the draft Borough Plan and setting out the changes and updates proposed in terms of adoption of the final Borough Plan 2023-27 and accompanying documents to be recommended to Full Council for final adoption.
In considering the report Cabinet noted the work undertaken in developing the Borough Plan to capture the achievements made during the previous four-year period, whilst also providing the context and narrative in relation to the Administrations strategic priorities and ambitions over the next four-year period in order to best support the borough, its local residents and diverse communities in continuing to thrive.
Members noted and welcomed the comprehensive nature of the process undertaken to frame, shape and consolidate the ambitions and commitments as an overarching strategy within the Borough Plan along with the flexibility retained in order to adapt to any needs and challenges as they arose moving forward, recognising the difficult economic and financial context in which the Council was having to operate.
In noting the extent and outcome of the engagement and consultation process, as detailed within Appendix A to the report, alongside use of the evidence base, attached as Appendix C of the report, to support development of the key themes, strategic priorities and outcomes within the Plan, members were keen to ensure this work continued in order to share the ambitions identified and encourage further engagement with stakeholders, particularly young people and members of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities as part of the next steps in delivering the Plan.
Whilst recognising the ongoing financial challenges and increased level of demand on services, members welcomed the ambition within the Borough Plan to continue prioritising the most vulnerable whilst also seeking to protect essential services in order to support all residents across the borough and in noting the progress made were keen to endorse the five overarching strategic priorities identified within the final Plan along with the key changes that had been made, following feedback from the consultation and engagement process, as detailed in section 5.3 of the report. Members particularly welcomed the update of Strategic Priority (SP)1 to focus on “Prosperity and Stability” and include the objective in relation to “safe, secure and decent housing”, which members were also pleased to note had been expanded to include a focus around housing quality across Brent.
Officers were thanked for their efforts in developing the final version of the Plan, with work now ongoing to agree the key measures and milestones to be included within the new corporate performance matrix for delivery, which it was recognised would also require an ongoing joint focus between Cabinet Members and their relevant Corporate Directors.
Having considered the report, Cabinet RESOLVED to endorse the following to be progressed to Full Council for finalisation and adoption:
a. Borough Plan Engagement and Consultation Findings 2023-27 (attached as Appendix A to the report)
b. Brent Borough Plan 2023 – ... view the full minutes text for item 10