Issue - meetings
Public Spaces Protection Order Nuisance Vehicles
Meeting: 12/09/2022 - Cabinet (Item 10)
10 Public Spaces Protection Order Nuisance Vehicles PDF 265 KB
This report sets out the rationale and seeks approval for the adoption of a borough-wide Public Space Protection Order in relation to nuisance vehicles, including scope of the order and process for implementation.
Additional documents:
- 09a. Appendix 1 - PSPO Notice nuisance vehicles, item 10 PDF 264 KB
- 09b. Appendix 2 - Vehicle Nuisance Data reports, item 10 PDF 605 KB
- 09c. Appendix 3 - CitizenLab PSPO Survey Data, item 10 PDF 328 KB
- 09d(i). Appendix 4i - CitizenLab Survey Summary Data, item 10 PDF 402 KB
- 09d(ii). Appendix 4ii - CitizenLab Detailed Survey Data, item 10 PDF 421 KB
- 09d(iii). Appendix 4iii - CitizenLab Survey Summary Freeform Data, item 10 PDF 286 KB
- 09d(iv). Appendix 4iv - CitizenLab PSPO Detailed Freeform Data, item 10 PDF 113 KB
- 09e. Appendix 5 - Equality Impact Assessment, item 10 PDF 518 KB
- Webcast for Public Spaces Protection Order Nuisance Vehicles
(1) To note the rationale for the proposed implementation of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Nuisance Vehicles and private e-scooters, as set out in the report.
(2) To note the outcome of the recent consultation process, indicating significant support for its creation.
(3) To confirm the scope of the PSPO, as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report, and give authority to the Director for Environment and Leisure to set the date on which the PSPO would become effective and in force.
Councillor Farah, Cabinet member for Safer Communities and Public Protection, introduced a report setting out the rationale and seeking approval for the adoption of a borough wide Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in relation to nuisance vehicles and the use of private e-scooters. The report detailed the outcome of the public consultation process supporting creation of the PSPO.
In considering the report Cabinet noted the proposed scope of the PSPO which included not only nuisance vehicles and private e-scooters but also vehicles driving over pedestrian footways and verges.
In expressing their support for the rationale and adoption of the PSPO, Cabinet were keen to highlight the increase in complaints received in relation to nuisance vehicles and use of private e-scooters and assistance the powers available through the PSPO would provide in relation to addressing a range of environmental quality and anti-social behaviour issues. In addition members noted the outcome of the public engagement and consultation process along with subsequent comments received, which Councillor Muhammed Butt (Leader of the Council) advised would also be fed through for consideration as part of the consultation process.
Having welcomed the proposals within the report, Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note the rationale for the proposed implementation of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Nuisance Vehicles and private e-scooters, as set out in the report.
(2) To note the outcome of the recent consultation process, indicating significant support for its creation.
(3) To confirm the scope of the PSPO, as detailed within Appendix 1 of the report, and give authority to the Director for Environment and Leisure to set the date on which the PSPO would become effective and in force.