Issue - meetings
CCTV Cameras for Brent Active Travel Programme - School Streets
Meeting: 20/06/2022 - Cabinet (Item 10)
10 CCTV Cameras for Brent Active Travel Programme - School Streets PDF 162 KB
This report sets out a proposal for a CCTV camera enforcement protocol for the Brent Active Travel programme and associated exemptions. It details how locations for CCTV cameras for Brent school streets, current and future schemes will be prioritised.
Additional documents:
- 10a. Appendix A Exemptions Review School Streets, item 10
PDF 642 KB
- 10b. Appendix B Evaluation and Prioritisation, item 10
PDF 458 KB
- Webcast for CCTV Cameras for Brent Active Travel Programme - School Streets
(1) To note the outcome of the exemptions review and approve the officer recommendations in respect of exemptions for school streets enforcement contained within Appendix A of the report.
(2) To note and approve the suggested approach to identify priority CCTV locations for school street schemes and CCTV camera enforcement protocol for implementation.
Councillor Krupa Sheth (Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure & Climate Action) introduced a report detailing proposals for a CCTV camera enforcement protocol to support the Brent Active Travel programme along with associated exemptions.
Prior to consideration of the report, Councillor Muhammed Butt (as Leader of the Council) advised of a request to speak on the item by a member of the public, which had been received at the start of the meeting. Given the late notice received he advised it had not been possible to accept the request at the meeting.
In introducing the report, Councillor Krupa Sheth highlighted the importance of the School Streets programme as part of the approach being developed within Brent to encourage more sustainable and healthy modes of travel, lifestyles and towards reducing air pollution, tackling congestion and improving road safety as part of the longer term climate and health objectives for the borough. Members noted the benefits outlined in terms of the proposed use of CCTV cameras as a means of enforcing the active travel and schools streets programme along with the priority list of locations, as detailed in Appendix B of the report, assessed against the criteria outlined within section 4.4 of the report.
In addition, details were provided on the proposed exemption policy in relation to CCTV enforcement schemes (as detailed within Appendix A of the report) which members noted had been subject to benchmarking with other London Boroughs. Subject to approval, the CCTV enforcement protocol and implementation would be supported by a full communications plan focussed around schools, parents/carers and drivers.
Cabinet welcomed the proposals and approach outlined within the report along with the level of engagement by schools in support of the programme and importance of the school street initiative as a means of encouraging a change in behaviour designed to support of more active modes of travel. Having noted the financial implications and business case outlined in support of the provision of CCTV, members highlighted the ongoing commitment this was felt to demonstrate towards the longer term benefits of the initiative in terms of health, climate action and road safety.
Cabinet therefore RESOLVED:
(1) To note the outcome of the exemptions review and approve the officer recommendations in respect of exemptions for school streets enforcement contained within Appendix A of the report.
(2) To note and approve the suggested approach to identify priority CCTV locations for school street schemes and CCTV camera enforcement protocol for implementation.