Issue - meetings
Brent Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2026
Meeting: 07/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 11)
11 Brent Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2026 PDF 150 KB
This report seeks approval to the draft Brent Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2026.
Additional documents:
- 11a. Appendix 1 - Brent Cyber Security Strategy, item 11
- Webcast for Brent Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2026
Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the Brent Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2026 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.
Councillor McLennan (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources and Children’s Safeguarding, Early Help and Social Care) introduced a report presenting the draft Brent Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2026 for approval.
In considering the report Cabinet noted that the 2022-26 Strategy had been developed to build on the original strategy introduced in 2019 with the aim of significantly fortifying the Council’s systems and services against cyber-attack based on shared learning and the key principles within the Government’s Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2030 and Cyber Assessment Framework. Members were advised that Brent’s Strategy had been aligned with the Shared Technology Service (STS) Cyber Security Strategy and Technology Roadmap, with its delivery supported by a Cyber Security Implementation Plan designed to comply with the principles of the Government’s Cyber Essentials scheme, for which the Council had achieved accreditation in February 2022.
In noting the importance of the Strategy, members were advised of the range of activity undertaken in order to secure and safeguard the Council’s systems from attack and embed appropriate and proportionate security by design.
Having considered the report and noted the key strategic corporate risk identified in relation to cyber-attack, Cabinet RESOLVED to approve the Brent Cyber Security Strategy 2022-2026 as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.