Issue - meetings
Brent's New Customer Promise
Meeting: 11/04/2022 - Cabinet (Item 10)
10 Brent's New Customer Promise PDF 131 KB
The report outlines the proposed new Customer Promise for Brent, which sets expectations for all interactions between the Council, its residents and customers.
Additional documents:
- 10a. Appendix 1 - Brents New Customer Promise and Commitment, item 10
PDF 638 KB
- Webcast for Brent's New Customer Promise
(1) To approve the proposal for a new Brent Customer Promise and Commitment.
(2) To note that implementation of the new customer promise, the pillars that underpin it and what residents can expect from the council, would be monitored and reported corporately on a quarterly basis.
(3) To support the new Brent Customer Promise following formal agreement as the corporate standard, which all service areas and departments will follow.
Councillor McLennan (Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Resources and Children’s Safeguarding, Early Help and Social Care) introduced a report setting out a proposed new Customer Promise for Brent, which set out expectations for all interactions between the Council, its residents and customers.
In considering the report Cabinet noted that the new Customer Promise had been developed to reflect feedback from staff, customers and residents and changes relating to the delivery of services and way residents and customers interacted with the Council as a result of the pandemic and in line with digital transformation. The Customer Promise had been based on four main pillars, supported by a series of associated performance indicators, and set clear expectations regarding what residents could expect from the Council along with an outline of how residents could be expected to help the Council deliver the promise.
Subject to approval, the Customer Promise would be embedded as a corporate standard across the Council with Cabinet welcoming the timely nature of the revised commitment and thanking officers for the work undertaken on its development.
As a result Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To approve the proposal for a new Brent Customer Promise and Commitment.
(2) To note that implementation of the new customer promise, the pillars that underpin it and what residents can expect from the council, would be monitored and reported corporately on a quarterly basis.
(3) To support the new Brent Customer Promise following formal agreement as the corporate standard, which all service areas and departments will follow.