Issue - meetings
Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
Meeting: 17/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 11)
11 Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document PDF 269 KB
This report sets out the need for the Council to replace its existing Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which was adopted in July 2013 and presents the draft Supplementary Planning Document for approval for publication and statutory consultation, as well as delegated authority for its subsequent adoption as part of the Local Plan.
Additional documents:
- 11a. Appendix A - Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document, item 11
- Webcast for Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
(1) To note the content of the report and Appendix 1 ‘Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document’.
(2) To approve the draft Planning Obligations SPD for public consultation.
(3) To delegate authority to the Lead Member for Regeneration Property & Planning, in consultation with the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment, to consider representations made during consultation and adopt the Supplementary Planning Document as part of the Council’s suite of Local Plan related documents, and provide authority to revoke the existing 2013 Planning Obligations SPD once superseded.
Councillor Tatler (Lead Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning) introduced a report setting out the need for the Council to replace its existing Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), last adopted in 2013, and presenting an updated Draft SPD for approval, prior to publication and statutory consultation.
In considering the report, Cabinet noted that the updated SPD had been designed to address the change in development plan policy as well as the requirements in relation to the range of financial and non-financial planning obligations contained within the new Brent Local Plan, once that had been formally adopted. A summary of the various broad planning obligations included within the SPD had been provided within section 3.5 of the report with members noting the inclusion of Affordable Workspace, Social Infrastructure, Children’s Play Space, Trees, Air Quality, Carbon-Offsetting, Heritage & Design as new categories of obligation and the update of existing obligations to better reflect the new policy context and planning environment and guidance.
In recognising the technical nature of the SPD Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note the content of the report and Appendix 1 ‘Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document’.
(2) To approve the draft Planning Obligations SPD for public consultation.
(3) To delegate authority to the Lead Member for Regeneration Property & Planning, in consultation with the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment, to consider representations made during consultation and adopt the Supplementary Planning Document as part of the Council’s suite of Local Plan related documents, and provide authority to revoke the existing 2013 Planning Obligations SPD once superseded.