Issue - meetings
Corporate Performance - Q2 2021/22 Performance Report
Meeting: 17/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 16)
16 Corporate Performance - Q2 2021/22 Performance Report PDF 508 KB
This report and the performance scorecard set out the position on the Council’s performance in the second quarter of 2021/22.
Additional documents:
- 16a. Appendix A - Q2 2021-22 Performance Scorecard, item 16
PDF 839 KB
- Webcast for Corporate Performance - Q2 2021/22 Performance Report
(1) To note the performance information contained in the updated report format.
(2) To note the current and future strategic risks associated with the information provided and agree the remedial actions on strategic risks identified as appropriate alongside the challenge on progress being provided with responsible officers as necessary.
Councillor McLennan (Deputy Leader, Lead Member for Resources and Interim Lead for Children’s Safeguarding, Early Help and Social Care) introduced the report proving a corporate overview of performance information linked to the Borough Plan priorities for the second quarter 2021/22 (July – September 2021).
In presenting the report, Councillor McLennan highlighted the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic across the organisation as the Council had continued to focus on the recovery programme and effect this had had on a number performance indicators across priority areas. This had resulted in the introduction of an additional purple KPI rating which had been used to rate KPIs that were outside of target as a direct result of performance directly attributable to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Members noted the progress made in terms of performance during the monitoring period with 30 out of the 62 Borough Plan Indicators now being rated as “on or above target” (green), five as “just off target” (amber) and six as “off target” (red). There had also been a reduction in the number rated as purple “off target due to Covid” which was now two. 16 indicators had been provided for contextual use only with data awaited on the remaining indicators. An additional 14 internal business indicators had also been included of which two were rated green, two amber, and seven as red. One had been rated as purple with two provided for contextual information only.
Having recognised the ongoing challenges identified as the Council continued to recover from the pandemic, Councillor Muhammed Butt in summing up, felt it was also important to highlight the Council’s continued efforts to manage and mitigate against the strategic risks identified as part of the overall approach towards supporting local residents. Lead Members and officers were also thanked and encouraged to continue their focus on working jointly in seeking to mitigate and address performance, where identified as required, with members specifically welcoming and recognising the efforts being focussed around housing voids, the reduction of households in temporary accommodation and delivery of the Council’s affordable social housing programme.
Having considered the update provided, Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To note the performance information contained in the updated report format.
(2) To note the current and future strategic risks associated with the information provided and agree the remedial actions on strategic risks identified as appropriate alongside the challenge on progress being provided with responsible officers as necessary.