Issue - meetings
Amendments to the Housing Allocation Scheme
Meeting: 17/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 13)
13 Amendments to the Housing Allocation Scheme PDF 235 KB
This report sets out proposed changes to the Council’s Housing Allocation Scheme, the consultation responses to those changes, the recommendations and the impact following formal consultation with key stakeholders on a number of issues.
Additional documents:
- 13a. Appendix 1 - Allocation Scheme Consultation Results, item 13
PDF 433 KB
- 13b. Appendix 2 - Equalities Impact Assessment - Give reasonable preference to homeless housholds, item 13
PDF 1011 KB
- 13c. Appendix 3 - Equalities Impact Assessment - Transfers, item 13
- Webcast for Amendments to the Housing Allocation Scheme
(1) To approve the following changes to the current Allocations Scheme:
(a) Change 1: Give reasonable preference to homeless households as set out in paragraphs 6.2 to 6.4 of the report;
(b) Change 2 - Give priority to existing Council tenants, who need a transfer, to bid for all new build properties as set out in paragraphs 6.5 to 6.12 of the report;
(c) Change 3 - Emergency Management Transfers as set out in paragraphs 6.13 to 6.19 of the report;
(d) Change 4 - Transfers due to Overcrowding as set out in paragraphs 6.20 to 6.24 of the report;
(e) Change 5 - Award Priority Band A to Special Guardians as set out in paragraphs 6.25 to 6.28 of the report;
(f) Change 6 - Decant moves for essential repair as set out in paragraphs 6.29 to 6.33 of the report.
(2) To note and give due regard to the content of the Equalities Impact Assessments, as set out within Appendices 2 & 3 of the report.
(3) To delegate authority to the Strategic Director Community Wellbeing to implement the proposed changes to the Council’s Allocation Scheme as set out in paragraph (1) above.
Councillor Southwood (Lead Member for Housing & Welfare Reform) introduced a report setting out a number of proposed changes to the Council’s Housing Allocation Scheme/
In considering the report Cabinet noted that the review had been informed by the stock maximisation strategy agreed in August 2021 and outcome of a recent legal challenge to ensure that the scheme was compliant in terms of all homeless households who fell within the statutory reasonable preference categories. The review had also been designed to take account of updated Government guidance along with implementation of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 relating to the allocation of social housing for domestic abuse victims.
The proposed changes to the Allocation Scheme had been detailed within section 6 of the report, along with their impact and outcome of the formal consultation on each of the proposals, with the full consultation results having been detailed within Appendix 1 of the report. Members noted that as a result of the change proposed in relation to reasonable preference to all homeless households (as opposed to those where the main duty had been accepted under homelessness legislation) a new Priority Band C- category would be introduced, although this would have minimal impact on homeless households to whom the Council had already accepted the main duty (requiring a family sized home) as they would still retain a higher priority.
In supporting the proposed changes, members specifically welcomed the amendment to the priority recognising cases involving special guardianship and as a result Cabinet RESOLVED:
(1) To approve the following changes to the current Allocations Scheme:
(a) Change 1: Give reasonable preference to homeless households as set out in paragraphs 6.2 to 6.4 of the report;
(b) Change 2 - Give priority to existing Council tenants, who need a transfer, to bid for all new build properties as set out in paragraphs 6.5 to 6.12 of the report;
(c) Change 3 - Emergency Management Transfers as set out in paragraphs 6.13 to 6.19 of the report;
(d) Change 4 - Transfers due to Overcrowding as set out in paragraphs 6.20 to 6.24 of the report;
(e) Change 5 - Award Priority Band A to Special Guardians as set out in paragraphs 6.25 to 6.28 of the report;
(f) Change 6 - Decant moves for essential repair as set out in paragraphs 6.29 to 6.33 of the report.
(2) To note and give due regard to the content of the Equalities Impact Assessments, as set out within Appendices 2 & 3 of the report.
(3) To delegate authority to the Strategic Director Community Wellbeing to implement the proposed changes to the Council’s Allocation Scheme as set out in paragraph (1) above.