Issue - meetings
Options for funding the exterior renovation of the Barham Park building
Meeting: 01/09/2021 - Barham Park Trust Committee (Item 8)
8 Options for funding the exterior renovation of the Barham Park building PDF 273 KB
To update Members of the Barham Park Trust Committee on options for funding the exterior renovation of the Barham Park building.
(1) To note and agree to the proposal for officers to investigate sources of funding in relation to the exterior renovation of the Barham Park Building and for the Operational Director for Environmental Services to approach the Council regarding seeking council capital funding towards funding the exterior renovation of the Barham Park building.
(2) To approve that the total sum of £258,000 towards the part of the items of expenditure as set out in paragraphs 3.24 and 3.25 of the report for funding the exterior renovation of the Barham Park building, be paid from the Trust’s remaining uncommitted restricted funds and permanent endowment arising from the sale proceeds of 776 and 778 Harrow Road, Wembley HA0 2HE.
(3) That officers seek permission of the Charity Commission to spend the estimated sum stated in the resolution in (2) above from the Trust’s uncommitted restricted funds using the procedure set out in section 282 of the Charities Act 2011.
(4) That officers be authorised to submit the necessary application for permission to the Charity Commission and authority be delegated to the Operational Director Environmental Services to progress the application and deal with any issues, requirements and queries arising that are raised by the Charity Commission.
(5) That officers be authorised to give public notice of this resolution if it is directed to do so by the Charity Commission pursuant to section 283 of the Charities Act 2011.
Chris Whyte, Operational Director Environmental Services, introduced a report setting out options for funding exterior renovation of the Barham Park building.
In considering the report members noted the extent of the renovation works required and issues identified as a result of the deterioration of the exterior of the building, which included damage to window frames and the interior of the building; heat management and increased energy use, higher carbon emissions and costs and the impact on the buildings overall appearance and tenanted activities. Work funded by the Trust had already been undertaken to survey the renovation works required in relation to the windows and external condition of the building which would be compliant with its local Listed Building status and modern building standards, with a breakdown of the costs detailed within section 3.25 of the report.
Whilst the Trust had been unsuccessful with previous funding bids to support the renovation works through both the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) and Lottery Heritage Fund process it had been possible to secure approx. £167k through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme towards the required works. This had been on the basis of the building having been identified as a priority due to energy conservation needs with the potential also identified to support this with an application for capital funding from the Council, although it was noted this would be subject to provision of the necessary business case and assessment against other priorities. In order to fund the remaining balance of the estimated project costs, members were also being asked to consider use of the remaining uncommitted restricted funds within the Trust Accounts totalling £228k, which subject to approval, it was noted would also require consent by the Charity Commission. Given the benefits associated with the renovation works in terms of both current and future use of the building and its ability to generate rental income for the Trust in support of them being able to continue functioning effectively, members were supportive of the approach outlined in terms of the proposed use of the available uncommitted element of their restricted funds to fund the exterior renovation works. Members also noted that discussions remained ongoing with the Lottery Heritage Fund regarding the potential use of any other available grant schemes.
Having noted the extent of the renovation works required and importance of the building as a community asset and in terms of the ongoing operation of the Trust it was RESOLVED:
(1) To note and agree to the proposal for officers to investigate sources of funding in relation to the exterior renovation of the Barham Park Building and for the Operational Director for Environmental Services to approach the Council regarding seeking council capital funding towards funding the exterior renovation of the Barham Park building.
(2) To approve that the total sum of £258,000 towards the part of the items of expenditure as set out in paragraphs 3.24 and 3.25 of the report for funding the exterior renovation of the Barham Park building, be paid ... view the full minutes text for item 8