Issue - meetings
The South Kilburn Regeneration Programme
Meeting: 19/09/2011 - Executive (Item 7)
7 The South Kilburn Regeneration Programme PDF 1021 KB
This report summarises the progress made on the regeneration of South Kilburn, and sets out four main processes for approval by the Executive for continuing the momentum established by the Council over the past two years for the regeneration of the area.
Additional documents:
i. that the progress made on the South Kilburn Regeneration project as set out in the report be noted.
ii. that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to seek the Secretary of State’s consent to the disposal and redevelopment of phase 2 sites on the estate for the purposes of Ground 10A of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985, to enable the Council to apply for a court order to obtain vacant possession of residential dwellings let under secure tenancies, Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985 to dispose of housing land, Section 19 of the Housing Act for appropriation of all housing land within Phase 1b and Phase 2 of the South Kilburn Regeneration project for planning purposes and under the necessary Act (if applicable) to dispose of non housing land (all blocks and phases earmarked for redevelopment are listed in Appendix 2).
iii. that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to appropriate all land comprised within Phase 1b and Phase 2 of the South Kilburn Regeneration project to planning purposes when it is no longer required for the purposes for which it is held prior to appropriation subject in respect of land held for housing purposes to the consent of the Secretary of State under Section 19 of the Housing Act 1985.
iv. that the making of compulsory purchase orders (CPOs) to acquire (a) all interests and rights in the properties listed in Appendix 1 and comprising the land shown edged red on the plans in Appendix 1 (the CPO Land) and (b) any new rights in the CPO Land which may be required under section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, notably Bronte House, Fielding House, Wordsworth House, Masefield House, Durham Court and Gloucester House, be authorised.
v. that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to cease long term lettings and authorise the service of demolition notices and the suspension of tenants’ Rights to Buy applications in relation to secure tenancies across the estate on all one bedroom properties that have been identified to be demolished as part of the South Kilburn Regeneration Programme and continue to prioritise all new development site lettings in South Kilburn to tenants within sites on the next phase of development (all blocks and phases earmarked for redevelopment are listed in Appendix 2 of the report).
vi. that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to cease all long term lettings in blocks earmarked for redevelopment within five years of their scheduled demolition date (all blocks and phases earmarked for redevelopment are listed in Appendix 2 of this report).
vii. that it be authorised that the CPOs, once made, be submitted to the Secretary of State for confirmation and that at the same time, the council seek to acquire the land by private negotiated treaty on such terms as may be agreed by the Director of Finance & Corporate Services.
viii. that demolition notices be served and the ... view the full decision text for item 7
The report from the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects summarised the progress made on the regeneration of South Kilburn, and set out four main processes for approval for continuing the momentum established by the Council over the past two years for the regeneration of the area. Councillor Crane (Lead Member, Regeneration and Major Projects) stated that good progress was being made on all the projects in the area with applications due to be made for planning permission in late 2011 and in 2012, tower blocks to be demolished in 2013 and properties due to be compulsorily purchased. He drew attention to the proposal to withdraw long term lettings for one bedroom units earmarked for demolition to help manage the decanting process. Councillor Arnold (Lead Member, Children and Families and ward councillor) welcomed the progress being made but referred to concerns being raised by residents over inconvenience caused by utilities work in the area which Councillor Crane agreed to take up.
(i) that the progress made on the South Kilburn Regeneration project as set out in the report be noted;
(ii) that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to seek the Secretary of State’s consent to the disposal and redevelopment of phase 2 sites on the estate for the purposes of Ground 10A of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1985, to enable the Council to apply for a court order to obtain vacant possession of residential dwellings let under secure tenancies, Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985 to dispose of housing land, Section 19 of the Housing Act for appropriation of all housing land within Phase 1b and Phase 2 of the South Kilburn Regeneration project for planning purposes and under the necessary Act (if applicable) to dispose of non housing land (all blocks and phases earmarked for redevelopment are listed in Appendix 2);
(iii) that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to appropriate all land comprised within Phase 1b and Phase 2 of the South Kilburn Regeneration project to planning purposes when it is no longer required for the purposes for which it is held prior to appropriation subject in respect of land held for housing purposes to the consent of the Secretary of State under Section 19 of the Housing Act 1985;
(iv) that the making of compulsory purchase orders (CPOs) to acquire (a) all interests and rights in the properties listed in Appendix 1 and comprising the land shown edged red on the plans in Appendix 1 (the CPO Land) and (b) any new rights in the CPO Land which may be required under section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, notably Bronte House, Fielding House, Wordsworth House, Masefield House, Durham Court and Gloucester House, be authorised;
(v) that the Director of Regeneration and Major Projects be authorised to cease long term lettings and authorise the service of demolition notices and the suspension of tenants’ Rights to Buy applications in relation to secure ... view the full minutes text for item 7