Issue - meetings
Preventing youth offending - overview and scrutiny task group
Meeting: 19/09/2011 - Executive (Item 15)
15 Preventing youth offending - overview and scrutiny task group PDF 145 KB
This report sets out the findings and recommendations of the Preventing Youth Offending Task Group, which are being presented to the Executive for its approval. The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorsed these at its meeting of 12th July 2011.
Additional documents:
that the approach and findings of the task group be endorsed and the recommendations passed to the One Council Programme Board to be addressed within the new project focusing on early intervention and services to children.
The Executive received the report which set out the findings and recommendations of the Preventing Youth Offending Task Group, presented for approval. The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee had endorsed these at its meeting of 12 July 2011. Councillor Arnold (Lead Member, Children and Families) paid tribute to the work of the task group and drew attention to the recommendations for a comprehensive prevention strategy and which also referred to work that was already taking place. Earlier intervention was a cost effective approach and work continued with children’s centres and also schools to reduce the risk of future offending. The strategy was based on ‘Think Family’ and ‘Think Schools’. Councillor Arnold also referred to employment and housing challenges and to the recent riots that had occurred in town centres around the country which she felt had changed the climate, increasing the likelihood of youth offending.
Councillor Hunter, member of the task group, welcomed the recommendations and expressed the wish that the report would be used to make a real difference.
(i) that the approach and findings of the task group be endorsed;
(ii) that the recommendations of the task group be passed to the One Council Programme Board to be addressed within the new project focusing on early intervention and services to children.