Issue - meetings
Brent Council’s School Admission Arrangements for Community Primary Schools 2022/23
Meeting: 12/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 14)
14 Brent Council’s School Admission Arrangements for Community Primary Schools 2022/23 PDF 82 KB
This report seeks approval for the school admission arrangements for Brent Community Primary Schools for 2022/23.
Additional documents:
- 14a. Appendix 1 - List of Primary Community Schools, item 14
- 14b. Appendix 2 - Proposed Brent Community School Admission Arrangements 2022-23, item 14
PDF 128 KB
- 14c. Apendix 3 - Brent Schemes of Co-ordination 2022-23, item 14
PDF 157 KB
(1) To approve the proposed admission arrangements for Brent community schools, as detailed within Appendix 2 of the report.
(2) To note the scheme of co-ordination for maintained schools in Brent for the 2022/2023 academic year, as detailed within Appendix 3 of the report.
(3) To note the thanks expressed for the hard work, dedication and commitment of all school staff in responding to the pandemic overall and in terms of delivering the response to the current and previous lockdowns and restrictions.
Councillor Stephens, Lead Member for Schools, Employment and Skills, introduced the report seeking approval for the admission arrangements for Brent community schools for 2022/23 in accordance with statutory requirements.
Members noted that there had been no changes to the admission arrangements since those determined by Cabinet in January 2020 for the academic year 2021/22.
In supporting the recommendations contained in the report, members took the opportunity to thank all schools and their staff across the borough for their hard work, dedication and commitment in responding to the challenges posed by the pandemic
It was RESOLVED that Cabinet:
(1) Approve the proposed admission arrangements for Brent community schools, as detailed within Appendix 2 of the report.
(2) Note the scheme of co-ordination for maintained schools in Brent for the 2022/2023 academic year, as detailed within Appendix 3 of the report.
(3) Note the thanks expressed for the hard work, dedication and commitment of all school staff in responding to the pandemic and in terms of delivering the response to the current and previous lockdowns and restrictions.