Issue - meetings
New Council Homes Programme
Meeting: 12/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 11)
11 Six Month Update on Supply of New Affordable Homes PDF 187 KB
This report provides a six month update on the progress made towards delivery of the Council’s target for building new affordable homes over the five year period 2019-2024.
Additional documents:
- 11a. Appendix 1 - Projects by Ward, item 11
PDF 385 KB
- 11b. Appendix 2 - Watling - Existing and Proposed, item 11
PDF 790 KB
- 11c. Appendix 3 - Windmill - Existing and Proposed, item 11
PDF 776 KB
- 11d. Appendix 4 - Kilburn Square, item 11
(1) To note the contents of the report and progress to date on delivering both the New Council Homes Programme (NCHP) and other programmes and projects in place to deliver 5,000 new affordable homes in the borough by 2024.
(2) To note the proposals regarding the Church End development site scheduled to be brought forward as set out in paragraph 5.5 and 9.2-9.8 of the report.
(3) To delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, to agree pre-tender considerations, invite tenders, evaluate tenders and thereafter award development / construction contracts with developers / contractors in respect of the Church End site referred to in (2) above using the procurement approach set out within section 9.2 of the report.
(4) For the reasons detailed in paragraph 14.17 of the report, to delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, agree pre-tender considerations, invite tenders, evaluate tenders and thereafter to award development / construction contracts with developers / contractors in respect of any sites listed in Section 6 of the report, should these be classified as High Value Contracts.
(5) To delegate authority to the Strategic Director for Regeneration & Environment in consultation with the Lead Member for Regeneration, Property & Planning for the purposes of entering revised leases with the Brent Indian Community Centre and the West Indian Association, that would allow the Council to progress the next phase of both projects.
Councillor Southwood, Lead Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, introduced a report providing a six-monthly update on progress being made towards delivery against the Council’s housing target for building new affordable homes over the five-year period (2019-24).
Members welcomed and noted the current position in terms of delivery of the New Council Homes Programme (NCHP), as detailed in section 4.2 of the report, which included 231 new homes having been built and let, 610 currently on site and being built, 332 homes having been given planning consent and now going through procurement to identify a building contractor and 566 homes currently being assessed for feasibility. Members were also advised of the progress being made on the large scale developments set out in section 5 of the report including NAIL provision along with the progress on other development sites as detailed within section 6 of the report. As part of a collaboration arrangement with Network Homes, attention was also drawn to the approval being sought to seek tenders for development of a site in Church End, which would deliver 99 new homes and a new market consisting of 44 pitches as part of a mixed use development that would also provide a high quality pedestrianised through route.
Members fully supported the recommendations contained in the report, expressing their thanks to officers and contractors for their progress in co-ordinating efforts in order to deliver against the housing targets within the programme. Whilst recognising the ongoing challenges, members were encouraged to note that the Council was on track to deliver and potentially exceed the target to build at least 1,000 new council homes through its NCHP, which was felt to demonstrate the Council’s commitment towards delivering housing and improving the quality of life for its residents.
It was RESOLVED that Cabinet:
(1) Note the contents of the report and progress to date on delivering both the New Council Homes Programme (NCHP) and other programmes and projects in place to deliver 5,000 new affordable homes in the borough by 2024.
(2) Note the proposals regarding the Church End development site scheduled to be brought forward as set out in paragraph 5.5 and 9.2-9.8 of the report.
(3) Delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, to agree pre-tender considerations, invite tenders, evaluate tenders and thereafter award development / construction contracts with developers / contractors in respect of the Church End site referred to in (2) above using the procurement approach set out within section 9.2 of the report.
(4) For the reasons detailed in paragraph 14.17 of the report, to delegate authority to the Strategic Director, Community Wellbeing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, agree pre-tender considerations, invite tenders, evaluate tenders and thereafter to award development / construction contracts with developers / contractors in respect of any sites listed in Section 6 of the report, should these be classified as High Value Contracts.
(5) Delegate authority to ... view the full minutes text for item 11