Issue - meetings
Draft Brent Climate Emergency Strategy (2021-2030)
Meeting: 09/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 7)
7 Draft Brent Climate Emergency Strategy (2021-2030) PDF 151 KB
This report seeks approval to issue the draft Brent Climate Emergency Strategy 2021-2030 for public consultation. The strategy outlines the key objectives, themes and areas of focus that will progress the Council’s objective to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.
Additional documents:
- 7a. Appendix 1 -Draft Brent Climate Emergency Strategy 2021-2030, item 7
- 7b. Appendix 2 - Draft Climate Strategy Equality Analysis, item 7
PDF 136 KB
(1) To approve the Draft Brent Climate Emergency Strategy (as detailed in Appendix A of the report) to be issued for public consultation.
(2) To note that, following comments received during public consultation, a revised final Brent Climate Emergency Strategy would be presented back to Cabinet in spring 2021 for adoption.
The Lead Member for the Environment, Councillor Krupa Sheth, introduced the report which sought approval to issue the draft of the Brent Climate Emergency Strategy for public consultation. The draft strategy had been developed following an extensive period of research and engagement with local communities and Cabinet heard that five key themes had been identified; consumption, resources and waste; transport; homes and buildings; nature and greenspaces; and supporting communities. In concluding her introduction Councillor Sheth highlighted how the climate emergency worsened existing inequalities for the poorest in society, whilst tackling it would help improve health issues related to air quality, healthy diets and access to greenspaces, in turn alleviating the strain on National Health budgets and assisting the Council in its overall aim of carbon neutrality by 2030
Cabinet welcomed the report, highlighting the specific nature of the actions identified within the strategy and noting the extensive consultation process that would culminate in a final strategy being presented for adoption and launch in spring 2021. In supporting the strategy Members also highlighted the links between the climate emergency and many other areas of the Council’s work, including social justice, the economy, Active Travel and School Streets initiatives and health and wellbeing.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
(1) Approve the Draft Brent Climate Emergency Strategy (as detailed in Appendix A of the report) to be issued for public consultation.
(2) Note that, following comments received during public consultation, a revised final Brent Climate Emergency Strategy would be presented back to Cabinet in spring 2021 for adoption.