Issue - meetings
School Place Planning Strategy 2019-23 Refresh
Meeting: 09/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 8)
8 School Place Planning Strategy 2019-23 Refresh PDF 140 KB
This report provides an update on the refresh of the School Place Planning Strategy 2019-2023, which was approved by Cabinet in November 2019. The refresh of the Strategy provides an updated assessment of school place demand across the borough based on the latest pupil projections from the Greater London Authority (GLA).
Additional documents:
(1) To note the refresh of the School Place Planning Strategy 2019-2023 detailed within Appendix 1 of the report.
(2) To note that the forecasts for primary places would remain fairly steady over the next five years.
(3) To note that the indicative programme timeline for the proposed secondary school expansion programme, presented to Cabinet on 14 October 2020, had been amended to allow time to review refreshed forecast demand information in Spring 2021.
(4) To note that there remained significant and increasing demand for places that meet the needs of children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 and the planned strategies for addressing this need.
(5) To note the concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on Early Years provision and the strategies to support the sector.
The Lead Member for Schools, Employment and Skills, Councillor Stephens introduced the report which provided a refresh of the School Place Planning Strategy 2019-2023. Cabinet heard that the focus for primary school provision would be to ensure that current capacity remained steady over the next five year period, and it was anticipated that the recent opening of the North Brent School would ensure sufficient capacity was maintained in relation to secondary school places, with a review of the refreshed forecast demand information to be conducted in spring 2021. However there was a clear identified need for additional Special Educational Needs (SEN) school provision and this was emphasised in the report as a strategic priority.
Cabinet welcomed the consistent approach to refreshing the strategy in order ensure any changes in demand were identified, especially at a more localised cluster level, and could be addressed. It was noted that the lack of SEN provision was a nation-wide concern, reflecting an increase in the percentage of young people with more complex needs and a significant funding deficit identified nationally in terms of the High Needs element of the Dedicated Schools Grant. Councillor McLennan as Lead Member for Resources advised this had been recognised as an issue, with efforts already underway alongside other local authority financial leads to ensure the necessary funding was provided, particularly for those on Education, Health and Care Plans.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
(1) Note the refresh of the School Place Planning Strategy 2019-2023 detailed within Appendix 1 of the report.
(2) Note that the forecasts for primary places would remain fairly steady over the next five years.
(3) Note that the indicative programme timeline for the proposed secondary school expansion programme, presented to Cabinet on 14 October 2020, had been amended to allow time to review refreshed forecast demand information in spring 2021.
(4) Note that there remained significant and increasing demand for places that meet the needs of children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 and the planned strategies for addressing this need.
(5) Note the concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on Early Years provision and the strategies to support the sector.