Issue - meetings
Rising to the challenges: re-shaping Brent Council to deliver the new Administration's priorities - further structural proposals
Meeting: 13/06/2011 - Executive (Item 11)
This report describes those changes implemented through the Chief Executive’s delegated powers, seeks the Executive’s agreement to staffing changes requiring its approval and identifies work underway to create new delivery models in response to further key changes in the evolving public sector landscape that are likely to require further structural changes.
(i) that the continuing national policy developments affecting local government and the wider public sector be noted:
(ii) that agreement be given to the deletion of the Director of Housing and Community Care post for the reasons set out in paragraphs 3.6 to 3.11 of the report from the Chief Executive;
(iii) that the Assistant Director, Community Care assume the role of statutory Director of Adult Social Services;
(iv) that the transfer of the housing function including the client responsibility for Brent Housing Partnership to the Regeneration and Major Projects department, with effect from 1 June 2011, be noted;
(v) that the work underway in developing a new integrated delivery model for adult social care and health be noted and that a report with recommendations will come to the Executive in the autumn 2011.
The report from the Chief Executive described structural changes implemented through the Chief Executive’s delegated powers in the light of the severity of the funding position for local government and the recent retirement of the Director of Housing and Community Care, sought agreement to staffing changes requiring its approval and identified work underway to create new delivery models in response to further key changes in the evolving public sector landscape that are likely to require further structural changes.
Councillor John (Leader of the Council) drew attention to the implications of the proposals which were to delete the post of Director of Housing and Community Care with the housing function to be part of Regeneration and Major Projects. The role of Adult Social Services would be integrated in the central government's new delivery model for adult social care.
(i) that the continuing national policy developments affecting local government and the wider public sector be noted:
(ii) that agreement be given to the deletion of the Director of Housing and Community Care post for the reasons set out in paragraphs 3.6 to 3.11 of the report from the Chief Executive;
(iii) that the Assistant Director, Community Care assume the role of statutory Director of Adult Social Services;
(iv) that the transfer of the housing function including the client responsibility for Brent Housing Partnership to the Regeneration and Major Projects department, with effect from 1 June 2011, be noted;
(v) that the work underway in developing a new integrated delivery model for adult social care and health be noted and that a report with recommendations will come to the Executive in the autumn 2011.