Issue - meetings
Day opportunities strategy review - mental health
Meeting: 13/06/2011 - Executive (Item 6)
6 Day opportunities strategy review - mental health PDF 148 KB
In January 2011 the Executive agreed to consult with service users, carers and stakeholders on the proposed transformation of the directly-provided adult social care day services for Mental Health, also known as Community Networks. This proposal was framed within the Day Opportunities Strategy which had been refreshed to include people suffering with severe and enduring mental health problems. The consultation process is now complete and this report sets out the results of the consultation, the options for transformation and a recommended course of action.
Additional documents:
- mental-health-appa, item 6 PDF 172 KB
- mental-health-appb, item 6 PDF 49 KB
- mental-health-appc, item 6 PDF 486 KB
- mental-health-appd-EIA, item 6 PDF 848 KB
(i) that approval be given to the refreshed Day Opportunities Strategy attached in Appendix B to the report from the Director of Housing and Community Care;
(ii) that approval be given to the implementation of Option 4 outlined in the Director's report: replace the current service with four community development workers, working in partnership with Southside Partnership; provide a single base as a meeting place, with limited sessional provision of day services by the Community Development Workers. This will result in the closure of Kingsbury Manor and the Design Works (administrative base) and the relocation of a reduced service to Kingsbury Resource Centre.
The report from the Director of Housing and Community Care set out the results of the consultation with service users, carers and stakeholders on the proposed transformation of the directly-provided adult social care day services for Mental Health, also known as Community Networks, the options for transformation and a recommended course of action. The decision to consult was taken in January 2011 and was framed within the Day Opportunities Strategy which had been refreshed to include people suffering with severe and enduring mental health problems.
Councillor Naheerathan (Ward Councillor, Queensbury) addressed the Executive and presented a petition from residents who had approached him objecting to an option in the Director's report that would result in the closure of Kingsbury Manor, a centre in Roe Green which provided a social care service for people of Asian origin with severe mental health problems.
Councillor R Moher (Lead Member, Adults and Health) introduced the report and reminded the Executive that consultation on this issue had taken place over a three month period in a number of locations and a full Equalities Impact Assessment carried out. Several issues had been raised and what was before members now was a revised strategy for approval. The recommended option, Option four, was now significantly different. The transformation was an on-going process reflective of the alignment with health care and the day opportunities strategy was in line with the personalisation agenda however some users continued to want a buildings-based service. Councillor Moher advised that staff were broadly in support of the principles and that the proposals for four community development workers represented an increase in resources. She drew members' attention to the diversity and equalities implications in the report and recommended Option 4 for approval.
(i) that approval be given to the refreshed Day Opportunities Strategy attached in Appendix B to the report from the Director of Housing and Community Care;
(ii) that approval be given to the implementation of Option 4 outlined in the Director's report: replace the current service with four community development workers, working in partnership with Southside Partnership; provide a single base as a meeting place, with limited sessional provision of day services by the Community Development Workers. This will result in the closure of Kingsbury Manor and the Design Works (administrative base) and the relocation of a reduced service to Kingsbury Resource Centre.