Issue - meetings
Fortunegate Community Housing - Transfer of Engagements to CCHA
Meeting: 11/04/2011 - Executive (Item 17)
17 Fortunegate Community Housing - transfer of engagements to CCHA PDF 124 KB
The purpose of this report is to seek the Council’s approval to transfer the assets, obligations and liabilities of Fortunegate Community Housing (“Fortunegate”) to Catalyst Communities Housing Association Limited.
Additional documents:
- fortunegate-app1, item 17 PDF 52 KB
- fortunegate-app2, item 17 PDF 154 KB
- fortunegate-app8, item 17 PDF 116 KB
- fortunegate-app9, item 17 PDF 112 KB
that Fortunegate Community Housing be authorised to convert from a registered charity to a registered society under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 and thereafter, to transfer its engagements to Catalyst Communities Housing Association Limited, which is a registered charity and which will be subsequently re-named Catalyst Housing Limited.
The purpose of the report from the Director of Housing and Community Care was to seek approval to transfer the assets, obligations and liabilities of Fortunegate Community Housing (“Fortunegate”) to Catalyst Communities Housing Association Limited. Councillor Thomas (Lead Member, Housing and Customer Care) advised that ward councillors would be represented and residents would be playing a key role.
that Fortunegate Community Housing be authorised to convert from a registered charity to a registered society under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 and thereafter, to transfer its engagements to Catalyst Communities Housing Association Limited, which is a registered charity and which will be subsequently re-named Catalyst Housing Limited.