Issue - meetings
St Raphael's Masterplanning
Meeting: 09/12/2019 - Cabinet (Item 9)
9 St Raphael's Masterplanning PDF 352 KB
This report provides an update on the progress of establishing community-led masterplans, along with a summary of this work and recommendations arising from it. As a part of the standard masterplanning process, the area under consideration, known as the ‘red line’, has been evaluated in order to provide an early indication of deliverability.
Additional documents:
- 09a. Appendix A - Timeline, item 9
- 09b. Appendix B - Red Line Boundary, item 9
PDF 946 KB
- 09c. Appendix C - Building Typologies, item 9
PDF 781 KB
- 09d. Appendix D - Summary of Community Engagement & Design Events, item 9
- 09e. Appendix E - Local Area Constraints, item 9
- 09f. Appendix F - Equality Analysis, item 9
PDF 778 KB
NOTED the deputation received from representatives of St Raphael’s Voice. Resident Board.
RESOLVED that Cabinet:
(1) Note the project progress as detailed in Section 4 of the report.
(2) Acknowledge the work and commitment of the Resident Board, St Raphael’s Voice.
(3) Note the masterplanning timeline as detailed at Appendix A of the report.
(4) Note the community design priorities as detailed in Section 4.13 of the report
(5) Approves the adjustment of the red line masterplanning area to focus the masterplan only on the area known as St Raphael’s Estate (Area A) as shown in the map at Appendix B of the report.
(6) Subject to redevelopment being progressed, and in line with the Council’s Allocations Scheme, to approve the proposal for the council to consult on establishing a Local Lettings Policy for all council tenants living on St Raphael’s (Area A, B and C as shown in the map at Appendix B)
(7) To approves the additional project budget of £300k in order to deliver the extended community led masterplanning through to ballot in autumn 2020
Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader of the Council, welcomed Mr Asif Zamir, Chair of St Raphael’s Voice. Mr Zamir stated that St Raphael’s Voice was the resident representative group for the estate.
Mr Zamir addressed the Cabinet on the purpose and work of the Board along with their commitment to working with the Council to engage residents on the estate in the development of future proposals. Mr Zamir stated that St Raphael’s Voice would play its part in making this happen and continue to be a key part of shaping the future of St Raphael’s Estate.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, Councillor Eleanor Southwood, introduced the report providing an update on the progress of establishing community-led masterplans, along with a summary of this work and recommendations arising from it. It was noted that as a part of the standard masterplanning process, the area under consideration, known as the ‘red line’, had been evaluated in order to provide an early indication of deliverability.
RESOLVED that the Cabinet:
(1) Note the project progress as detailed in Section 4 of the report.
(2) Acknowledges the work and commitment of the Resident Board, St Raphael’s Voice having noted the deputation received at the meeting.
(3) Note the masterplanning timeline as detailed at Appendix A of the report.
(4) Note the community design priorities as detailed in Section 4.13 of the report.
(5) Approves the adjustment of the red line masterplanning area to focus the masterplan only on the area known as St Raphael’s Estate (Area A) as shown in the map at Appendix B of the report.
(6) Subject to redevelopment being progressed, and in line with the Council’s Allocations Scheme, to approve the proposal for the council to consult on establishing a Local Lettings Policy for all council tenants living on St Raphael’s (Area A, B and C as shown in the map at Appendix B of the report).
(7) Approves the additional project budget of £300k in order to deliver the extended community led masterplanning through to ballot in autumn 2020.