Issue - meetings
Housing - Partnership Agreement (John Barker Court)
Meeting: 09/12/2019 - Cabinet (Item 8)
8 John Barker Court - Title Restriction PDF 97 KB
This report ensures compliance with due process by specifically seeking approval of the removal of the restriction on the title of John Barker Court, Brondesbury Park, London, NW6 7BW, to enable affordable rented and shared ownership housing to be made available to those in need regardless of their age.
Additional documents:
- 08a. Appendix A - 021000 - 810361 - Official Copy (Transfer) 02.10.2000 - MX367059_THL_3668845_1, item 8
- 08b. Appendix B - 270819 - 859164 - Official Copy (Register) - NGL791992, item 8
RESOLVED that cabinet:
(1) Note that the change to the Section 106 legal agreement associated with the planning consent can be approved under delegated authority, as it does not materially change the consented development.
(2) Approves the removal on the title of John Barker Court so that the existing properties on the land can be sold or rented to people of any age and that the land can be used for the development of affordable housing.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, Councillor Eleanor Southwood, introduced the item stating that the report ensured compliance with due process by specifically seeking approval of the removal of the restriction on the title of John Barker Court to enable affordable rented and shared ownership housing to be made available to those in need regardless of their age. The official copies of ‘Transfer’ and ‘Register’ were enclosed with the report as Appendix A and B respectively.
It was noted that the recommendations at paragraph 2 of the report were subject to any necessary prior approval of the Secretary of State in accordance with the terms of the Transfer dated 2nd October 2000 between the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Brent (1) and Willow Housing Limited (2).
RESOLVED that the Cabinet:
(1) Note that the change to the Section 106 legal agreement associated with the planning consent can be approved under delegated authority, as it does not materially change the consented development.
(2) Approves the removal on the title of John Barker Court so that the existing properties on the land can be sold or rented to people of any age and that the land can be used for the development of affordable housing.