Issue - meetings
Matters arising (if any)
Meeting: 12/09/2019 - Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)
Matters arising (if any)
To consider any matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.
In relation to Tottenham Hotspur Section 106 Commitments - the difference between the ‘amount’ and the amount “claimed to date” in the table on the supplementary information about Wembley stadium - Councillor Kabir enquired about a significant amount of money that was outstanding and details were not available in the table/report. Amar Dave (Strategic Director Regeneration & Environment) undertook to look into this matter and send the requested information to Councillor Kabir.
Cllr Nerva had approached the Chair to request information about tree-work. The Chair stated that it would be covered in his next Chair’s report.