Issue - meetings
Mayors Announcement
Meeting: 01/05/2019 - Council (Item 6)
Mayors Announcement
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Councillor Ezeajughi, as newly appointed Mayor, once again thanked Councillor Mahmood and advised that the ceremonial part of the meeting had now concluded.
Before moving on to deal with the remainder of the agenda he advised that he wanted to take the opportunity to congratulate all those involved in the Council once again having been awarded the Member Learning and Development Charter Award. He highlighted the significant effort which had gone in to the Council retaining its Charter Award and welcomed Councillor Andy Hull from the London Borough of Islington to the meeting who had carried out the assessment and was attending in order to officially present the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council with the Charter Award.
The award was then presented to the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive with all members joining a round of applause in congratulations.