Issue - meetings
Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Open Spaces, Graveyards and Cemeteries
Meeting: 09/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 8)
8 Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Open Spaces, Graveyards and Cemeteries PDF 252 KB
This report presents a proposal to adopt a borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for Council parks, open spaces, graveyards and cemeteries in line with the priority of maintaining a clean and safe environment.
Additional documents:
- 08a. Appendix 1 PSPO area, item 8
- 08b. Appendix 2 drugs analysis 2018-2019, item 8
PDF 498 KB
- Appendix 3 - cover, item 8
- 08c. Appendix 3 PTT support statement, item 8
PDF 485 KB
- 08d. Appendix 4 street drinking analysis 2018-2019, item 8
PDF 484 KB
- 08e. Appendix 5 autumn nights overview 2017- 2018, item 8
PDF 363 KB
- Appendix 6 - Cover, item 8
- 08f. Appendix 6 Open Space Qualitative Assessment, item 8
- 08g. Appendix 7 Dogs-Off Leads - Paddington Old Cemetery, item 8
PDF 486 KB
- Appendix 7.1 - cover, item 8
- 08g(i). Appendix 7.1 Crisis Brent PSPO Consultation response March 2019, item 8
PDF 171 KB
- Appendix 7.2 - cover, item 8
- 08g(ii). Appendix 7.2 St Mungo's response to Brent PSPO consultation 19 March, item 8
PDF 301 KB
- 08h. Appendix 8 Public Realm Dog data 16-18, item 8
PDF 196 KB
- 08h(i). Appendix 8.1 Complaints Team Park Data 2016 - 2019 Redacted (2), item 8
PDF 481 KB
- 08i. Appendix 9 Brent Cemetery Regulations, item 8
PDF 187 KB
- Appendix 9.1 - cover, item 8
- 08i(i). Appendix 9.1 Lead Cllr Briefing 16 March 2018, item 8
PDF 382 KB
- 08j. Appendix 10 - Supporting statement Sky Lanterns Head of Neighbourhood Management, item 8
- Appendix 10.1 - cover, item 8
- 08j(i). Appendix 10.1 complaints of fires, item 8
PDF 156 KB
- 08k. Appendix 11 LFB supporting statement, item 8
PDF 393 KB
- Appendix 12 - cover, item 8
- 08l. Appendix 12 Parks Graveyards and Opens Spaces 290319 to180419 REPORT, item 8
- Appendix 13 - cover, item 8
- 08m. Appendix 13 PSPO secondary analysis, item 8
PDF 217 KB
- Appendix 14 - cover, item 8
- 08n. Appendix 14 Equality Impact assessment, item 8
PDF 714 KB
RESOLVED: that Cabinet
i) approved option 1 in respect of the introduction and implementation of the proposed PSPO in the draft terms and the options as set out in appendix one for a period of three years;
ii) delegated authority to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment to set the date on which the PSPO will become effective and in force;
iii) noted that the previous delegation provided by Cabinet to the Chief Operating Officer (now the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment) in consultation with the lead member for Community Safety and Engagement for the function of making Public Spaces Protection Order under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 remains in place for future PSPO proposals;
iv) Noted that a separate review and update report will be submitted to Cabinet in due course reviewing the decision making process for the PSPOs made to date and considering whether to have alternative arrangements for making a PSPO;
v) Noted that the Council’s bye laws relating to its parks, open spaces, cemeteries and graveyards will no longer be in force when the proposed PSPO comes into force;
vi) delegated to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Lead Members for Environment and Community Safety and Engagement the authority to add any additional parks to the PSPO regarding the consumption of alcohol.
Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader of the Council, welcomed Ms Philippa Hutchinson, to the meeting.
Ms Hutchinson stated that she is a Brent resident and lives a few minutes' walk from Paddington Old Cemetery. She spoke in support of the proposal to adopt a borough-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for graveyards and cemeteries.
Councillor Tom Miller, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Engagement, thanked Ms Hutchinson for her support for the proposals.
Councillor Miller stated that Brent Council is committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment and it is the Council’s responsibility to keep our parks, open spaces, graveyards and cemeteries and local environment clear of litter and obstructions and deal with other local environmental quality issues including anti-social behaviour.
Councillors Hirani, Butt and Southwood spoke in support of option 1 in the proposals.
Councillor Krupa Sheth, Cabinet Member for Environment, suggested an additional recommendation delegating authority to add any additional parks to the PSPO regarding the consumption of alcohol.
RESOLVED: that Cabinet
i) approved option 1 in respect of the introduction and implementation of the proposed PSPO in the draft terms and the options as set out in appendix one for a period of three years.
ii) delegated authority to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment to set the date on which the PSPO will become effective and in force.
iii) noted that the previous delegation provided by Cabinet to the Chief Operating Officer (now the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment) in consultation with the lead member for Community Safety and Engagement for the function of making Public Spaces Protection Order under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 remains in place for future PSPO proposals.
iv) Noted that a separate review and update report will be submitted to Cabinet in due course reviewing the decision making process for the PSPOs made to date and considering whether to have alternative arrangements for making a PSPO.
v) Noted that the Council’s bye laws relating to its parks, open spaces, cemeteries and graveyards will no longer be in force when the proposed PSPO comes into force.
vi) delegated to the Strategic Director for Regeneration and Environment in consultation with the Lead Members for Environment and Community Safety and Engagement the authority to add any additional parks to the PSPO regarding the consumption of alcohol.