Issue - meetings
NNDR Applications for Discretionary Rate Relief
Meeting: 14/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 16)
16 NNDR Applications for Discretionary Rate Relief PDF 96 KB
The report details new applications for rate relief from charities and non-profit making bodies received since Cabinet last considered such applications in May 2018.
Additional documents:
- 16a. Appendix 1 - Eligibility Criteria, item 16 PDF 64 KB
- 16b. Appendix 2 - New Applications, item 16 PDF 43 KB
RESOLVED that Cabinet approved the applications for discretionary rate relief detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.
Councillor Margaret McLennan, Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Resources, introduced the report to Cabinet Members stating that the Council has the discretion to award rate relief to charities or non-profit making bodies.
Councillor McLennan stated that the Council also has the discretion to remit an individual National Non-Domestic Rate (NNDR) liability in whole or in part on the grounds of hardship. Cabinet noted that the award of discretionary rate relief is based on policy and criteria agreed by Cabinet on 15 November 2016. Councillor McLennnan reminded Members that all new applications for relief have to be approved by the Cabinet.
RESOLVED that Cabinet approved the applications for discretionary rate relief detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.