Issue - meetings
Kingsbury Library and Flats, 522-524 Kingsbury Road NW9 9HE Lease
Meeting: 15/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 8)
8 Kingsbury Library and Flats, 522-524 Kingsbury Road NW9 9HE Lease PDF 88 KB
The report seeks the approval to enter into a new lease for a term of up to 10 years and to delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Resources to agree and specify the terms of the lease.
Additional documents:
- 8a. Library Plan and Location Map, item 8
- 8b. EXEMPT - Current Statutory Residential Tenants , View reasons restricted (8/3)
i. Cabinet delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Resources to negotiate and agree the terms of a lease, for a period of up to 10 years.
Councillor M McLennan, Deputy Leader of the Council, introduced the report seeking approval to enter into a new lease for a term of up to 10 years and to delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Resources to agree and specify the terms of the lease
i. Cabinet delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Resources to negotiate and agree the terms of a lease, for a period of up to 10 years.