Issue - meetings
Arts and Festivals Strategy
Meeting: 17/01/2011 - Executive (Item 6)
6 Arts and Festivals Strategy PDF 86 KB
This report outlines the proposals of the draft Arts and Festivals Strategy for Brent Council. The strategy examines the current Brent offer and proposes changes that deliver savings and a more effective and efficient service. This report recommends a public consultation on the strategy for Arts and Festivals in Brent.
Additional documents:
(i) that the proposals of the Draft Arts and Festivals Strategy at paragraph 5.3. of the report from the Directors of Environment and Neighbourhoods and Customer and Community Engagement be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to a public consultation on the proposals as set out in Option1 in the report;
(iii) that a further report be submitted to the Executive in June 2011, setting out the consultation results and final recommendations on the future arts and festivals in Brent.
The report from the Directors of Environment and Neighbourhood Services and Customer and Community Engagement outlined proposals for the draft Arts and Festivals Strategy for Brent Council. The strategy examined the current Brent offer and proposed changes that delivered savings and a more effective and efficient service. Councillor Jones (Lead Member, Human Resources and Diversity, Local Democracy and Consultation) felt that the strategy was long overdue and drew attention to the recommendation for public consultation. Comparisons would also be made with provision in other boroughs. It was felt that the time was now appropriate for a review of current arrangements in the light of demographic changes that have taken place over the years.
Councillor Jones also stated that there was the potential for income to fund projects to be generated through donations. She outlined the options put forward for future festivals provision. Option 1 involved ceasing all funding for the Navratri celebrations and all festivals apart from a Brent Festival, Holocaust Memorial Day and Bonfire Night and Diwali which would have reduced funding. Option 2 was to cease all festivals and to disband the Festival Team. Councillor Jones advised that the equalities impact assessment would need to be thorough. Councillor Powney (Lead Member, Environment Planning and Culture) referred to the climate of budget cuts within which the council had to operate. The Option 1 for arts provision involved the development of a sponsorship plan to increase capacity while Option 2 put forward the addition of reducing funding to the Tricycle Theatre. Councillor Powney drew attention to the proposals for a refocus of arts/cultural activity around the new civic centre and a redeveloped Willesden Green Library.
(i) that the proposals of the Draft Arts and Festivals Strategy at paragraph 5.3. of the report from the Directors of Environment and Neighbourhood Services and Customer and Community Engagement be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to a public consultation on the proposals as set out in Option 1 in the report;
(iii) that a further report be submitted to the Executive in June 2011, setting out the consultation results and final recommendations on future arts and festivals in Brent.