Issue - meetings
Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy and Principles
Meeting: 11/07/2011 - Council (Item 11)
11 Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy and Procedure PDF 69 KB
The Gambling Act 2005 requires Licensing Authorities to publish a Statement of Principles that sets out their policy for dealing with applications and regulating gambling premises within their borough, which Brent did in January 2007. These Statements of Principles are required to be reviewed, revised and published to reflect changes in legislation, the Gambling Commission’s Guidance to Licensing Authorities, and on the experience of administration and enforcement by authorities. The Executive agreed the final Statement of Principles on 11 April 2011 for approval by Full Council in July 2011.
Additional documents:
The Gambling Act 2005 requires Licensing Authorities to publish a Statement of Principles that sets out their policy for dealing with applications and regulating gambling premises within their borough, which Brent did in January 2007. These Statements of Principles are required to be reviewed, revised and published to reflect changes in legislation, the Gambling Commission’s Guidance to Licensing Authorities, and on the experience of administration and enforcement by authorities. The Executive agreed the final Statement of Principles on 11 April 2011 for approval by Full Council and members now had the report before them for consideration.
Members expressed concern that the Council's licensing responsibilities did not extend to being able to take into consideration the proliferation of gambling premises within an area. Looking at the map of the borough attached as appendix A of the Statement of Principles it was clear that gambling establishments were targeting areas of deprivation in which to conduct their business. It was important to take account of the effect on crime and disorder and for the Council, with its local knowledge, to be able to influence how many similar establishments operated within a given area.
that the Council’s revised Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles be approved for publishing.
Meeting: 11/04/2011 - Executive (Item 6)
6 Statement of Gambling Licensing Policy and Principles PDF 74 KB
The Gambling Act 2005 requires Licensing Authorities to publish a Statement of Principles that sets out their policy for dealing with applications and regulating gambling premises within their borough, which Brent did in January 2007. Full Council will need to approve the final Statement of Principles after consideration by this Committee. It is anticipated that the Policy will be put to Full Council in July 2011.
Additional documents:
that approval be given to the publishing of the council’s revised Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles and the submission of the statement to Full Council for final approval.
Councillor Powney (Lead Member, Environment Planning and Culture) introduced the report which set out revisions to the Council’s Statement of Principles for dealing with applications and regulating gambling premises within the borough, previously agreed in January 2007. He advised that the approved final Statement of Principles would need to be put to Full Council in July 2011 for adoption.
that approval be given to the publishing of the council’s revised Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles and the submission of the statement to Full Council for final approval.