Issue - meetings
On-Street Parking Management
Meeting: 12/02/2018 - Cabinet (Item 20)
20 On-Street Parking Management Review PDF 106 KB
This report provides Cabinet with an update on the On-Street Parking Management Review further to the approval by Cabinet on 24th July 2017, for an initial programme of introducing new Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) and reviewing existing CPZs. It provides details of an analysis of feedback from the public to identify levels of demand for changes and whether these should be considered for inclusion in our Parking Management Review programme. It also considers anticipated future levels of demand and a continuing annual review programme.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Parking Management Review Programme 2017/18, item 20 PDF 203 KB
- Appendix B - Requests for new CPZs, CPZ reviews and parking restrictions, item 20 PDF 86 KB
19.1 That the responses to the online survey and requests for changes to parking management in the borough, further to the previous Cabinet report that considered requests between 25th April 2017 and 6th November 2017, be noted;
19.2 That the number of requests for new CPZs or changes to existing CPZ’s for this period did not demonstrate a high enough level of public support to be considered further at the present time;
19.3 That lead officers be authorised to contact lead petitioners to inform them of the decision in relation to their petition, as set out in paragraph 3.17 of the report;
19.4 That it be noted that the online information, guidance and application process for parking changes will remain in place, and that future requests be considered when developing future programmes;
19.5 That it be noted that future reports on the level of demand for new CPZs or changes to existing CPZs, will be considered by the Highways Committee.
Councillor Eleanor Southwood (Lead Member for Environment) provided Cabinet with an update on the ongoing review of on-street parking management within the borough. She stated that the report followed several similar reports which had previously been presented to Cabinet, and provided a proposed response to the public requests relating to Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) in the borough between 25 April 2017 and 6 November 2017. She explained that it was felt that the number of requests for new CPZs, or changes to existing CPZs, for this period had not demonstrated a high enough level of public support for any of these requests to be carried forward at this time. However, she asked Cabinet to note that the website was still open for residents to submit requests or petitions as part of the rolling consultation program. She also outlined that future update reports on this matter would be considered by the Highways Committee.
Cabinet Members Butt and Hirani spoke in support of the proposals.
20.1 That the responses to the online survey and requests for changes to parking management in the borough, further to the previous Cabinet report that considered requests between 25th April 2017 and 6th November 2017, be noted;
20.2 That the number of requests for new CPZs or changes to existing CPZ’s for this period did not demonstrate a high enough level of public support to be considered further at the present time;
20.3 That lead officers be authorised to contact lead petitioners to inform them of the decision in relation to their petition, as set out in paragraph 3.17 of the report;
20.4 That it be noted that the online information, guidance and application process for parking changes will remain in place, and that future requests be considered when developing future programmes;
20.5 That it be noted that future reports on the level of demand for new CPZs or changes to existing CPZs, will be considered by the Highways Committee.