Issue - meetings
2016/17 Financial outturn and Statement of Accounts
Meeting: 24/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 13)
13 Draft Statement of Accounts 2016/17 PDF 87 KB
The Council is required to present its accounts, approved by the Chief Finance Officer, for audit by 30 June. Following the completion of the audit of the accounts the Audit Committee will receive a report on the audit from KPMG and be asked to approve the accounts for publication. Although the presentation of the draft accounts to Cabinet is not part of the formal decision making process it enables members to gain an understanding of the financial statements and raise any issues at an early stage of the process.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Draft Statement of Accounts, item 13
PDF 706 KB
- Appendix 1 - Public Inspection Notice, item 13
RESOLVED that the draft accounts be noted.
Councillor Margaret McLennan, Deputy Leader of the Council, introduced the report which presented Cabinet with the Council’s draft Statement of Accounts in order to allow Cabinet members an opportunity to attain a more complete understanding of the process and so that identified issues could be raised at an early stage. Councillor McLennan thanked Conrad Hall, the Council’s Chief Finance Officer, and his team for their work in putting together the draft statement.
RESOLVED that the draft accounts be noted.