Issue - meetings
Telephony Contract
Meeting: 11/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 12)
12 Award of Telephony Contract PDF 113 KB
This report requests authority to award 4 contracts for Telephony Services as required by Contract Standing Order No 88. This report summarises the process undertaken in procuring the contracts and recommends to whom the contracts should be awarded.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Restricted , View reasons restricted (12/2)
- Appendix 2 - Evaluation Scoring, item 12 PDF 46 KB
12.1 The contract be awarded for Lot 1: Telephony to Voicenet Solutions T/A 8x8 Solutions for a term of 5 years;
12.2 The contract be awarded for Lot 2: Automated Call Distribution to Voicenet Solutions T/A 8x8 Solutions for a term of 5 years;
12.3 The contract be awarded for Lot 3: Mobile Telephony to Vodafone Limited for a term of 2 + 1 years; and
12.4 The contract be awarded for Lot 4: Automated Switchboard to Netcall Telecom Limited for a term of 5 years.
Councillor Margaret McLennan, Deputy Leader of the Council, informed the Cabinet that the report requests authority to award 4 contracts for Telephony Services as required by Contract Standing Order No 88. This report summarises the process undertaken in procuring the contracts and recommends to whom the contracts should be awarded.
12.1 The contract be awarded for Lot 1: Telephony to Voicenet Solutions T/A 8x8 Solutions for a term of 5 years;
12.2 The contract be awarded for Lot 2: Automated Call Distribution to Voicenet Solutions T/A 8x8 Solutions for a term of 5 years;
12.3 The contract be awarded for Lot 3: Mobile Telephony to Vodafone Limited for a term of 2 + 1 years; and
12.4 The contract be awarded for Lot 4: Automated Switchboard to Netcall Telecom Limited for a term of 5 years.