Issue - meetings
On-street Parking Management Review Programme – Update
Meeting: 24/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 On- Street Parking Management Review PDF 187 KB
This report provides Cabinet with information on the outcome of the On-Street Parking Management Review which was initiated following Cabinet approval on 15 November 2016.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Petitions, item 6
PDF 211 KB
- Appendix B - New CPZ and CPZ Review requests, item 6
PDF 354 KB
- Appendix C - Borough Plan showing locations of new CPZ and CPZ review re..., item 6
PDF 298 KB
- Appendix D - Plan showing CPZs with the highest and lowest parking press..., item 6
PDF 271 KB
- Appendix E - Prioritisation Matrix, item 6
- Appendix F - Consultation, Design and Implementation Programme, item 6
18.1 The responses to the online survey and requests for changes to parking management in the borough be noted;
18.2 The prioritisation methodology be noted and the 2017/18 – 2018/19 programme for reviewing on-street parking management be approved;
18.3 The financial implications within this report be noted and a budget provision of £0.34m to deliver the programme be agreed;
18.4 The programme for implementing changes to on-street parking arrangements in prioritised areas be approved, subject to public consultation and further approval by Highways Committee;
18.5 The online information, guidance and application process for parking changes be agreed to remain in place, and that these requests be considered when developing future programmes for Cabinet approval in January each year, with six monthly interim reports providing information on levels of demand and programme progress to Highways Committee;
18.6 The lead officers be authorised to write to the lead petitioners to inform them of the decisions in relation to their petition, as set out in Appendix Aof the Cabinet report; and
18.7 Lead Officers’ responses to other requests be noted and approved, and comments related to policy decisions in paragraphs 4.22, 4.24 and in Appendix A to the Cabinet report, be considered outside of the scope of this review.
Councillor Eleanor Southwood, Cabinet Member for Environment, began by thanking the three respective speakers. She introduced the report to Cabinet and explained that it followed formal consultation with residents which aimed to identify on-street parking pressures within the borough and proposals to address these. She outlined that the Council had analysed the responses to the consultation and developed a programme of new Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) and CPZs reviews based on need and the prioritisation of actions needed to address parking pressures. She also noted that Cabinet would need to deliver a budget provision of £0.34m to deliver the programme.
Councillor Miller, thanked officers for taking the views of Councillors into account as part of the consultation. Councillor Hirani outlined the issues he felt existed around Willesden, and that he hoped that these would be addressed. Councillor Tatler noted that there were no CPZs in Fryent ward but that the actions taken within the report had been encouraging.
6.1 The responses to the online survey and requests for changes to parking management in the borough be noted;
6.2 The prioritisation methodology be noted and the 2017/18 – 2018/19 programme for reviewing on-street parking management be approved;
6.3 The financial implications within this report be noted and a budget provision of £0.34m to deliver the programme be agreed;
6.4 The programme for implementing changes to on-street parking arrangements in prioritised areas be approved, subject to public consultation and further approval by Highways Committee;
6.5 The online information, guidance and application process for parking changes be agreed to remain in place, and that these requests be considered when developing future programmes for Cabinet approval in January each year, with six monthly interim reports providing information on levels of demand and programme progress to Highways Committee;
6.6 The lead officers be authorised to write to the lead petitioners to inform them of the decisions in relation to their petition, as set out in Appendix Aof the Cabinet report; and
6.7 Lead Officers’ responses to other requests be noted and approved, and comments related to policy decisions in paragraphs 4.22, 4.24 and in Appendix A to the Cabinet report, be considered outside of the scope of this review.