Issue - meetings
London Road
Meeting: 25/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 12)
12 London Road, Wembley, HA9 7ET - redevelopment proposals PDF 145 KB
The proposal is to redevelop the site to provide approximately 55 new Temporary Accommodation (TA) units for homeless households, 67 Private Rented Sector (PRS) homes and 14 units of New Accommodation for Independent Living (NAIL) together with replacement non-residential space – see appendix 1 site plan and 2 Pellings feasibility study.
(i) that approval be given to capital investment of £33m to bring forward the development of the London Road scheme, subject to further viability testing, local consultation and planning consent as detailed in paragraph 3.17 of the report from the Strategic Director of Resources;
(ii) that the expenditure necessary to progress the project through to grant of planning permission, estimated to be in the region of £500,000 be noted;
(iii) that it be noted that the land at Ark Elvin Academy, presently used as temporary parking, is surplus to requirements and approval be given to application to Secretary of State through a section 77 application, to secure agreement that the land is no longer required for educational purposes and can be used for residential.
Councillor Butt, Leader of the Council, introduced the report stating that the proposed redevelopment of London Road provided a significant opportunity for the council to provide good quality housing for vulnerable households, while also generating significant revenue savings in two key areas of expenditure: Temporary Accommodation and care homes.
He stated that proposal was to redevelop the site to provide approximately 55 new Temporary Accommodation (TA) units for homeless households, 67 Private Rented Sector (PRS) homes and 14 units of New Accommodation for Independent Living (NAIL) together with replacement non-residential space as detailed in the site plan and Pellings feasibility study.
(i) that approval be given to capital investment of £33m to bring forward the development of the London Road scheme, subject to further viability testing, local consultation and planning consent as detailed in paragraph 3.17 of the report from the Strategic Director of Resources;
(ii) that the expenditure necessary to progress the project through to grant of planning permission, estimated to be in the region of £500,000 be noted;
(iii) that it be noted that the land at Ark Elvin Academy, presently used as temporary parking, was surplus to requirements and approval be given to application to Secretary of State through a section 77 application, to secure agreement that the land was no longer required for educational purposes and could be used for residential.
(Councillor Butt declared an interest in this item as a Governor at Ark Elvin Academy).