Issue - meetings
Mental Health Services - Contract Award
Meeting: 25/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 Authority to Award a Contract for Accommodation Based Mental Health Support PDF 260 KB
In accordance with Contract Standing Orders 88 and 89, this report requests Cabinet approval to award two contracts for Accommodation Based Mental Health (ABMH) services to support people who have mental health needs and are in recovery. This report provides further detail of the of the services, the procurement process followed and provides a recommendation of who the contracts should be awarded to as determined through the evaluation process.
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(i) that approval be given to the award of Contract 1, an Accommodation Based Mental Health contract to support people with mental health needs as detailed in paragraph 3.2.a to Look Ahead Care and Support for a term of one year with option to extend by up to 2 successive one year periods;
(ii) that approval be given to the award of Contract 2, an Accommodation Based Mental Health contract to support people with mental health needs as detailed in paragraph 3.2.b to Metropolitan Housing Trust for a term of one year with option to extend by up to 2 successive one year periods.
Councillor Hirani, Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, introduced the report stating that in accordance with Contract Standing Orders 88 and 89, the report requested Cabinet approval to award two contracts for Accommodation Based Mental Health (ABMH) services to support people who have mental health needs and were in recovery.
Councillor Hirani stated that the report provided further detail of the services, the procurement process followed and provided a recommendation of who the contracts should be awarded to as determined through the evaluation process.
The Cabinet also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1972:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
(i) that approval be given to the award of Contract 1, an Accommodation Based Mental Health contract to support people with mental health needs as detailed in paragraph 3.2.a of the report to Look Ahead Care and Support for a term of one year with option to extend by up to two successive one year periods;
(ii) that approval be given to the award of Contract 2, an Accommodation Based Mental Health contract to support people with mental health needs as detailed in paragraph 3.2.b to Metropolitan Housing Trust for a term of one year with option to extend by up to two successive one year periods.