Issue - meetings
Development Funds Programme for 2016-17
Meeting: 08/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 14)
14 Development Funds Programme for 2016-17 PDF 233 KB
This report seeks the approval of Cabinet for the proposed spatial and thematic allocation of Section 106 funds for expenditure in 2016-17 and commissioning specific projects and budget amounts detailed herein.
(i) that approval be given to the proposed 2015-16 programme of Development Funded projects and the relevant Heads of Service authorised to deliver this programme using the allocated budget and resources available;
(ii) that the 2016-17 allocation £3.8m of S106 funding in 2016-17 in the following thematic split: £0.3m for Education; £2.1m for Transport, £1.2m for Amenity and Recreation; £0.2m for Employment be noted; and that opportunities for allocating sums for Affordable Housing, Environment, and Social be pursued further;
(iii) that it be noted that any necessary statutory or non-statutory consultation and the consideration of any objections or representations shall be undertaken by the relevant Heads of Service responsible for delivering the projects;
(iv) that the Director of Planning & Regeneration be authorised to approve and relevant Heads of Service to deliver projects in 2016-17 over and above the allocations and projects detailed herein where the exceptional circumstances criteria as set out in section 3.7, below, are met.
The report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Environment sought approval for the proposed spatial and thematic allocation of Section 106 funds for expenditure in 2016-17 and commissioning specific projects and budget amounts detailed in the report.
Councillor McLennan (Lead Member, Housing and Development) drew attention the 50 projects with a combined budget of £3.8m to be funded in 2016-17.
Members welcomed the opportunity for local projects and infrastructure improvement noting that there would also be commissioning of CIL funds for 2016-17 to be reported separately and a further opportunity for residents, community groups and ward councillors to be involved.
(i) that approval be given to the proposed 2015-16 programme of Development Funded projects and the relevant Heads of Service authorised to deliver this programme using the allocated budget and resources available;
(ii) that the 2016-17 allocation £3.8m of S106 funding in 2016-17 in the following thematic split: £0.3m for Education; £2.1m for Transport, £1.2m for Amenity and Recreation; £0.2m for Employment be noted; and that opportunities for allocating sums for Affordable Housing, Environment, and Social be pursued further;
(iii) that it be noted that any necessary statutory or non-statutory consultation and the consideration of any objections or representations shall be undertaken by the relevant Heads of Service responsible for delivering the projects;
(iv) that the Director of Planning and Regeneration be authorised to approve and relevant Heads of Service to deliver projects in 2016-17 over and above the allocations and projects detailed herein where the exceptional circumstances criteria as set out in section 3.7 of the report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Environment are met.