Issue - meetings
Lyon Park Infant and Lyon Park Junior amalgamation report
Meeting: 08/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 13)
13 Lyon Park Infant and Lyon Park Junior amalgamation report PDF 155 KB
This report informs the Cabinet of the outcome of the statutory consultation on the proposal to alter the Lyon Park Schools.
The representation period on the proposal ended on 24 December 2015. This report also informs the Cabinet of the responses to the informal and formal consultations.
that approval be given to the amalgamation of Lyon Park Infant and Lyon Park Junior Schools, which are community schools, from April 2016. The new school will be known as Lyon Park Primary School.
The Cabinet noted that the alteration to permanently amalgamate Lyon Park Infant School and Lyon Park Junior School by April 2016 has been proposed by the Governing Body of Lyon Park Infant and Junior Schools. This was in line with the School Place Planning Strategy 2014 -18 which was approved by Cabinet in October 2014. The report from the Strategic Director Children and Young People informed the Cabinet of the outcome of the consultations on the proposal to alter the schools. Councillor Moher (Lead Member, Children and Young People) acknowledged that the response rate while low, was in favour of the amalgamation which would formalise the current arrangement.
that approval be given to the amalgamation of Lyon Park Infant and Lyon Park Junior Schools, which are community schools, from April 2016. The new school will be known as Lyon Park Primary School.