Issue - meetings
Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy
Meeting: 16/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 8)
8 Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy PDF 3 MB
The UK’s industrial heritage has left a legacy of contaminated land. Historic industrial processes and activities have released substances and waste products into the environment which have the potential to detrimentally impact upon human health and the environment, jeopardising development and economic growth. All local authorities have a statutory duty inspect their land to identify contaminated land and publish a Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy.
that Cabinet agrees a revised Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy at appendix A to the report,
Councillor Denselow (Lead Member, Stronger Communities) introduced the report which proposed a revised Contaminated Land Strategy and drew attention to the council’s statutory duty inspect land to identify contaminated land and publish a Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy. He pointed out that the funding pot available from central government to support survey work had reduced.
that agreement be given to a revised Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy at Appendix A to the report from the Strategic Director, Regeneration and Growth.