Issue - meetings
Membership of the West London Economic Prosperity Board
Meeting: 27/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 13)
13 Brent Council Membership of the West London Economic Prosperity Board PDF 157 KB
This report seeks Cabinet approval to establish a Joint Committee to be known as “West London Economic Prosperity Board," in partnership initially with Barnet, Ealing, Harrow and Hounslow (with other WLA members, namely Hammersmith & Fulham and Hillingdon also potentially joining later), and to note the Leader or person nominated by the Leader, will take up membership of the Board on the behalf of Brent.
Additional documents:
That the following be noted:
(i) that Brent Council will enter into arrangements with some other West London local authorities for certain of their functions (as specified in the report) to be discharged jointly;
(ii) that the Leader, having consulted the Chief Legal Officer, will agree the arrangements for functions and procedures (see Appendix 1) with the other authorities and/or their executives as appropriate;
(iii) that the arrangements will include a Joint Committee (to be known as “the West London Economic Prosperity Board”);
(iv) that the Leader (or suitable alternative chosen by the Leader) will be appointed as a voting member of the Joint Committee;
(v) that the functions to be discharged by the Joint Committee will be with the intention of promoting economic prosperity within the local government areas of the participating boroughs;
(vi) that it is anticipated that the participating boroughs will initially be Barnet, Brent, Ealing, Harrow and Hounslow, but that other WLA members (namely, Hammersmith & Fulham and Hillingdon) are also invited to join;
(vii) that any changes to the constitution resulting from this report will be reported to Full Council for approval.
The Cabinet considered the report from the Chief Executive which sought approval to establish a Joint Committee to be known as “West London Economic Prosperity Board," in partnership initially with Barnet, Ealing, Harrow and Hounslow (with other WLA members, namely Hammersmith & Fulham and Hillingdon also potentially joining later). The Cabinet also noted that the Leader or person nominated by the Leader, would take up membership of the Board on the behalf of Brent.
That the following be noted:
(i) that Brent Council will enter into arrangements with some other West London local authorities for certain of their functions (as specified in the report) to be discharged jointly;
(ii) that the Leader, having consulted the Chief Legal Officer, will agree the arrangements for functions and procedures (see Appendix 1) with the other authorities and/or their executives as appropriate;
(iii) that the arrangements will include a Joint Committee (to be known as “the West London Economic Prosperity Board”);
(iv) that the Leader (or suitable alternative chosen by the Leader) will be appointed as a voting member of the Joint Committee;
(v) that the functions to be discharged by the Joint Committee will be with the intention of promoting economic prosperity within the local government areas of the participating boroughs;
(vi) that it is anticipated that the participating boroughs will initially be Barnet, Brent, Ealing, Harrow and Hounslow, but that other WLA members (namely, Hammersmith & Fulham and Hillingdon) are also invited to join;
(vii) that any changes to the constitution resulting from this report will be reported to Full Council for approval.