Issue - meetings
Authorisation to continue participation in the London Sexual Health Transformation Programme
Meeting: 14/12/2015 - Cabinet (Item 12)
12 London Sexual Health Transformation Project PDF 715 KB
This report provides an update on the collaboration between London boroughs on Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) services and sets out the main findings of the market engagement developed by the pan London Sexual Health Transformation Project. It also sets out the next steps of the project consisting of a collaborative procurement plan for GUM services and Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH) Services.
Additional documents:
(i) that approval be given to the Council’s participation in a pan-London procurement for a web-based system to include a ‘front-end’ portal, joined up partner notification and home/self-sampling;
(ii) that approval be given to the Council’s participation in the North West London: outer region, sub-regional procurement, which consists of a collaboration with Harrow and Ealing Councils (with Harrow Council acting as the Lead Authority) for the procurement of an integrated sexual health service of Genitourinary Medicine (GUM), Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH) Services, Chlamydia Screening and where appropriate the inclusion of primary care sexual health services;
(iii) that approval be given to an exemption from the usual tendering requirements of Contract Standing Orders 84 (a) to permit the use of Harrow Council’s Contract Standing Orders, as the Lead Authority, on the North West London outer-region sub regional collaborative procurement of the services referred to in recommendation 2.2 above and as more particularly detailed in paragraphs 3.4.12 - 3.4.16;
(iv) that authority be delegated to award contracts, proposed under recommendations 2.1 and 2.2 above, to the Director of Public Health following consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Legal Officer;
(v) that authority be delegated to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Legal Officer to approve the Council’s participation in pan-London agreements on cross charging and lead commissioning;
(vi) that the progress made in developing options for the future commissioning and procurement of GUM services and the named inclusion of Brent Council onto the Prior Indicative Notice (PIN) and in the Official Journal of European Union (OJEU) be noted.
The report from the Director of Public Health provided an update on the collaboration between London boroughs on Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) services and set out the main findings of the market engagement developed by the pan London Sexual Health Transformation Project. It also set out the next steps of the project consisting of a collaborative procurement plan for GUM services and Contraception and Sexual Health (CaSH) services.
Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults, Health and Well-being) summarised the proposals and welcomed the pan-London procurement opportunity and the Director of Public Health added that there was a strong case for change.
(i) that approval be given to the council’s participation in a pan-London procurement for a web-based system to include a ‘front-end’ portal, joined up partner notification and home/self-sampling;
(ii) that approval be given to the council’s participation in the North West London: outer region, sub-regional procurement, which consisted of a collaboration with Harrow and Ealing Councils (with Harrow Council acting as the Lead Authority) for the procurement of an integrated sexual health service of Genitourinary Medicine (GUM), Contraception and Sexual Health Service (CaSH) Services, Chlamydia Screening and where appropriate the inclusion of primary care sexual health services;
(iii) that approval be given to an exemption from the usual tendering requirements of Contract Standing Orders 84 (a) to permit the use of Harrow Council’s Contract Standing Orders, as the Lead Authority, on the North West London outer-region sub regional collaborative procurement of the services referred to in recommendation (ii) above and as more particularly detailed in paragraphs 3.4.12 - 3.4.16 of the report from the Director of Public Health;
(iv) that authority be delegated to award contracts, proposed under recommendations (i) and (ii) above, to the Director of Public Health following consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Legal Officer;
(v) that authority be delegated to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Legal Officer to approve the Council’s participation in pan-London agreements on cross charging and lead commissioning;
(vi) that the progress made in developing options for the future commissioning and procurement of GUM services and the named inclusion of Brent Council onto the Prior Indicative Notice and in the Official Journal of European Union (OJEU) be noted.