Issue - meetings
Adult Social Care Transforming Day Care-Direct Services
Meeting: 27/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 7)
7 Adult Social Care Transforming Day Care-Direct Services PDF 173 KB
In February 2015 the Council’s Cabinet committee agreed to consult with service users, carers and stakeholders on the proposal to close Kingsbury Resource Centre and re-provide day opportunities services in the voluntary and independent sector. Cabinet also agreed for Council Officers to consult and work up proposals to ensure the future financial viability of New Millennium Day Centre and that this would be done co-productively working with service users, carers and staff. The consultation and co-production process is now complete and this report sets out the results of both, the options for change and a recommended course of action for the future of Kingsbury Resource Centre and New Millennium Day Centre.
Additional documents:
- asc-transforming-day-care-appa-consultation, item 7 PDF 491 KB
- asc-transforming-day-care-eia, item 7 PDF 21 KB
(i) that the responses received during the consultation and co-production meetings held in March, April and May 2015 on the council proposals to close Kingsbury Resource Centre and remodel services at New Millennium Day Centre, be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the closure of Kingsbury Resource Centre following a comprehensive and inclusive reassessment and support planning process for current service users. Cabinet are also asked to note that any closure will be subject to a further statutory 45 day staff and union consultation;
(iii) that agreement be given to the remodelling of services at New Millennium to create a social enterprise. A full business case, including detailed financial implications and an implementation plan will be brought back to Cabinet in the autumn for further discussion and agreement.
Councillor Hirani (Lead Member, Adults, Health and Well-being) introduced the report from the Strategic Director, Adults which reported on the outcome of consultation with service users, carers and stakeholders, agreed by Cabinet in February 2015, on the proposal to close Kingsbury Resource Centre and re-provide day opportunities services in the voluntary and independent sector. Consultation was carried out over three months; March, April and May 2015. Cabinet also agreed for council officers to consult and work up proposals to ensure the future financial viability of New Millennium Day Centre and that this would be done co-productively working with service users, carers and staff.
Councillor Hirani summarised the outcome of the consultation process, the options for change and the recommended course of action for the future of Kingsbury Resource Centre and New Millennium Day Centre. The proposal before the Cabinet was to remodel the New Millennium Day Centre as a hub to support users to use the community and to also better use the building through with extended operational hours.
Cabinet members expressed support for the proposals which were designed to give users more choice and improve their quality of life.
(i) that the responses received during the consultation and co-production meetings held in March, April and May 2015 on the council proposals to close Kingsbury Resource Centre and remodel services at New Millennium Day Centre, be noted;
(ii) that approval be given to the closure of Kingsbury Resource Centre following a comprehensive and inclusive reassessment and support planning process for current service users, noting that any closure would be subject to a further statutory 45 day staff and union consultation;
(iii) that agreement be given to the remodelling of services at New Millennium to create a social enterprise. A full business case, including detailed financial implications and an implementation plan will be brought back to Cabinet in the autumn for further discussion and agreement.