Issue - meetings
Community School Admission Arrangements for 2016/17
Meeting: 14/04/2015 - Cabinet (Item 8)
In December 2014 Cabinet agreed to consult on proposals to amend the council’s oversubscription criteria for community primary schools for 2016/17. Following the completion of the statutory consultation period of eight weeks, Cabinet is asked to decide whether the proposed changes should be agreed.
Additional documents:
(i) that the results of the consultation carried out from 31 December 2014 to 28 February 2015 be noted;
(ii) that the changes to the admission arrangements for community primary schools for 2016/17 as detailed in this report at section 5 be approved: to prioritise siblings and children living within the catchment area over siblings living out of the catchment, to amend the wording and explanation of the social medical criterion and to change the distance measurement method to straight line measurement.
Councillor Moher (Lead Member, Children and Young People) introduced the report which set out the outcome of the consultation undertaken on proposals to amend the council’s oversubscription criteria for community primary schools for 2016/17. The proposals were to create an additional criterion which prioritised siblings who lived within the catchment area of Brent Community Schools over siblings who live outside the school catchment; to amend the wording and expand the explanation of the social medical criterion to provide clearer information for parents and carers; and to change the method of measuring the distance in the ‘tie breaker’ within each criterion from shortest safe walking distance using public rights of way, to straight line measurement. Councillor Moher advised that discussions had taken place with headteachers in February 2015. The Cabinet heard that the changes would be applicable for the 2016/17 intake to allow time for changes to be publicised. Admission appeals would be monitored for impact.
Councillor Mashari (Lead Member, Employment and Skills) sought clarification of the impact of welfare reform on school place provision on the ability of those families moving not through choice, to secure places. Gail Tolley advised that vulnerable families could be protected from splitting up on social/medical criterion. Councillor Moher acknowledged that the new criteria for siblings was potentially controversial however, the schools did not have the spare capacity.
(i) that the results of the consultation carried out from 31 December 2014 to 28 February 2015 be noted;
(ii) that the changes to the admission arrangements for community primary schools for 2016/17 as detailed in the report from the Strategic Director, Children and Young People at section 5 be approved: to prioritise siblings and children living within the catchment area over siblings living out of the catchment, to amend the wording and explanation of the social medical criterion and to change the distance measurement method to straight line measurement.