Issue - meetings
Barham Park - Property Issues
Meeting: 28/01/2015 - Barham Park Trust Committee (Item 5)
The report outlines the successful planning appeal and subsequent letting of various Units to the Association for Cultural Advancement through Visual Art (ACAVA). The report also provides an update on the status of the various units at Barham Park and seeks approval of future use, marketing and tenure arrangements.
Additional documents:
i) That the Card Room (Unit 1) be marketed for a possible Café A3 and/or D1 use and that the marketing exercise be locally targeted;
ii) That the Property Adviser to the Trust in conjunction with the Trust Chair be authorised to select and let the Card Room (Unit 1) to a suitable tenant on terms to be agreed;
iiii) That the Lounge (Unit 4) be marketed for a D1 and/or an A3 Use depending on the outcome of the marketing of the Card Room, or marketed in conjunction with the Card Room as a D1 use;
iv) that the Property Adviser to the Trust in conjunction with the Trust Chair be authorised to select and let the Lounge (Unit 4) to a suitable tenant on terms to be agreed.
v) That the Criteria for the assessment of any bids received for the letting of the Card Room (Unit 1) and the Lounge (Unit 4) reflect a commitment to community, equality and viability and that this criteria be made available to the Trust for approval within one month.
vi) That the Trust directly lease the Snooker and Billiard Rooms (Unit 2) to the current occupiers, The Barham Park Veterans’ Club (Wembley), under appropriate leasing arrangements to ensure compliance with the aims of the Charitable Trust, subject to the presentation to the Trust Committee of satisfactory equalities information regarding the Barham Park Veteran’s Club, within three month’s.
vii) That the terms of the lease to the Barham Park Veterans’ Club be as set out in Paragraph 3.6 of the Report from the Property Advisor to the Trust or as amended by the Property Adviser to the Trust in conjunction with the Trust Chair.
viii) that an independent valuation be obtained of the terms proposed between the Council and the Trust to enable another application to be made to the Charity Commission for consent to lease the Children’s Centre (Unit 8) to the Council as Nursery Education Grant funded childcare open five days per week with children centre sessions being delivered in evenings and at weekend
ix) that it be agreed that the any lease granted to the council regarding the Children’s Centre (Unit 8) permit the council to sub-let the space to a third party for similar use only;
x) that it be confirmed that the Trust concurs with the views expressed by the Council’s Parks Department as set out in Paragraphs 3.10 of the report from the Property Adviser to the Trust and that Officers of the Trust be authorised to formally comment in similar terms on any future planning application for the houses at 776 & 778 Harrow Road.
Richard Barrett (Property Adviser) presented a report to the committee updating members on the status of the various units within the Barham Complex of Buildings and detailing proposals regarding their future use, marketing and tenure arrangements. The report also clarified the position regarding the covenants and controls relating to 776 and 778 Harrow Road, where a planning application for the development of the site had recently been rejected and sought confirmation of the Trust’s views on any future development of the site.
Members attention was drawn to the plan of the Barham Park Complex of Buildings comprising units 1 to 10 attached as an appendix to the report. Richard Barrett advised that following a successful planning appeal regarding the Trust’s application to the change the use of units 6, 10 and 3 to a B1 use and unit 4 to a D1 use, the Trust was able to complete a 15 year lease to the Association for Cultural Advancement through Visual Art (ACAVA).
Richard Barrett outlined the proposals for future arrangements for the remaining units 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 to the committee. It was proposed that unit 1, known as the Card Room and unit 4, known as the Lounge, should be marketed and let by the Trust to a tenant selected by the Property Adviser in conjunction with the Chair of the Trust committee. It was suggested that the selection criteria be published in advance to make interested parties aware of the weighting to be attached to any rental offer and the quality criteria. Richard Barrett highlighted that the Trust had already received an offer from the Friends of Barham Library (FOBL) for the Card Room and the Trust could chose to pursue the offer or invite FOBL to participate in the tender process. Unit 2, the Snooker and Billiard Rooms, was currently occupied by the Barham Park Veterans’ Club (the Vets) under no formal tenure. It was suggested that the occupation be regularised and a staggered rent which would not immediately be at market value, be introduced to allow the Vets a period of adjustment to the more formal relationship. With regard to unit 8, Richard Barrett advised that subject to receipt of an independent valuation from the District Valuer and consent from the Charity Commission, the Trust complete a lease to the Council for use of the unit as a Children’s Centre. In concluding his introduction, Richard Barrett advised that unit 7 was currently held on license by the council and was utilised as a store and work area within the park.
At the invitation of the Chair, Councillor Daly expressed concerns regarding the openness of the Barham Park Veterans’ Club membership. Councillor Daly further emphasised the importance of ensuring that any organisation leasing units from the Trust was welcoming to all members of the community as well as other tenants within the building complex.
Representatives of FOBL addressed the committee and advised that FOBL was an inclusive organisation, had sufficient financial backing and expertise ... view the full minutes text for item 5