Issue - meetings
Pay Policy Statement
Meeting: 02/03/2015 - Council (Item 9)
9 Pay Policy Statement PDF 82 KB
Thepurposeofthereport submittedis to inform Members ofthearrangements thathavebeen putinplaceinBrentCouncil to meetthe requirementsofthe Localism Act to producea pay policystatementon an annual basis.
Additional documents:
Thepurposeofthereport before Members was to inform them ofthearrangements thathad beenput inplace to meetthe requirement to produce a pay policy statement on an annual basis. The statement in draft had been approved by the General Purposes Committee on 29 January 2015.
Councillor Warren proposed an amendment to the pay policy statement by adding to the key strategic aims for 2015/19 reference to adopting a zero tolerance to bullying of staff by fellow staff members. In response, Councillor Pavey assured members that the recommendations in his review of equalities and HR policies would be implemented and, whilst agreeing with the sentiments of Councillor Warren’s proposed amendment, pointed out that the document before Members was a pay policy and not an HR strategy.
Councillor Warren’s amendment was put to the vote and declared LOST.
that the draft pay policy statement attached to the report submitted be approved as an accurate and factual representation of the Council’s pay arrangements for 2015/16.