Issue - meetings
Schools Budget 2015/16
Meeting: 15/12/2014 - Cabinet (Item 7)
7 School Budget Proposals - 2015/16 PDF 131 KB
This report sets out the school budget proposals for 2015/16. The total schools’ budget for 2015/16 is provisionally estimated as £213m. This includes an additional £11m funding to be received as part of the Department for Education’s (DfE) 2015/16 “fairer funding” distribution, and also the inclusion of some academies (non-recoupment academies) that were not in the framework as well as free schools within the formula. The increase in funding for schools represents, on average, a five percent increase for primary schools and a seven per cent increase for secondary schools.
that the schools’ budget for 2015/16 be approved.
Councillor Moher (Lead Member Children and Young People) presented a report from the Strategic Director of Children and Young People setting out the school budget proposals for 2015/16. The total schools’ budget for 2015/16 was provisionally estimated as £213m. This included an additional £11m funding for Brent schools to be received as part of the Department for Education’s (DfE) 2015/16 “fairer funding” distribution. The increase in funding for schools represented, on average, a five percent increase for primary schools and a seven per cent increase for secondary schools. In addition, the DfE had announced that non-recoupment academies and free schools would convert for funding purposes to “recoupment” academies from April 2015/16, therefore simplifying the current academy funding system and funding them all through the local formula. This would have a neutral financial impact for Brent, as whilst the Dedicated Schools Grant allocations had increased, the amount to be recouped by the DfE would increase by the same amount. The Schools Forum had agreed that the additional funds should be distributed through proportional increases in pupil-led factors and had also agreed to move towards the national average for the funding ratio between the primary and secondary sector, thereby reducing the amount of resources allocated under the minimum funding guarantee (MFG). Councillor Moher drew members’ attention to the table detailing the provisional schools funding for 2015 and advised that this would be re-calculated using the most recent schools census figures prior to final submission.
During discussion, members sought further detail on SEN funding and phased protection, questioned whether the funding formula took account of a school’s reserves and noted the importance of working in partnership with Brent’s schools.
Gail Tolley (Strategic Director of Children and Young People) advised that there was currently a system of top up funding from the High Needs funding block which had settled into the schools financial system and was welcomed by schools. Conrad Hall (Chief Finance Officer) advised that the schools funding formula did not take into account the reserves held by schools. Councillor Moher confirmed that the council was working with schools to look at how valued services provided by the council could be funded in the future.
that the schools’ budget for 2015/16 be approved.