Issue - meetings
Developing a new Borough Plan for Brent 2015-2019
Meeting: 15/09/2014 - Cabinet (Item 12)
12 Developing the Brent Borough Plan 2015-2019 PDF 80 KB
This paper sets out proposals for the development of the Brent Borough Plan for the period 2015 – 2019 following the local elections in May 2014. It covers the key challenges for developing a strategic, partnership agenda for the borough and outlines a programme for engaging with residents and key partners to create an ambitious programme of change, during a period of continued financial constraint. It also proposes a timetable for key actions to develop the Borough Plan through to March 2015 and alignment of this process with the budget and financial planning cycle of the council and partners.
(i) that the proposed arrangements for consulting on and developing the next Brent Borough Plan 2015 – 2019 be endorsed;
(ii) that approval be given the timetable of actions set out at 3.15 of the Chief Executive’s report.
The Chair (Leader of the Council, Councillor Butt) introduced the report from the Chief Executive which set out proposals for the development of the Brent Borough Plan for the period 2015–2019 following the local elections in May 2014. It covered the key challenges for developing a strategic, partnership agenda for the borough and outlined a programme for engaging with residents and key partners to create an ambitious programme of change, during a period of continued financial constraint. The Chair drew members’ attention to the consultation arrangements which included a ‘Call for Evidence’, focus groups, surveys and coverage on social media. Wards had a number of active groups and it was hoped to raise awareness across the borough. Partners for Brent had considered the need for a clearer focus on young people.
In discussion with non-Cabinet members and members of the public, the value of engaging with community and residents associations was emphasised and accepted by members of the public present. The plan was an important tool to help change the way the council operated and it was agreed that lessons should be learned from good practice in other local authorities. Councillor Butt assured that the council would be using a variety of customer insight techniques to be able to effectively target areas and ensure that all communities had the opportunity to contribute to the debate and that the council would listen. He drew attention the consultation timetable which would start in September and run into November 2014.
(i) that the proposed arrangements for consulting on and developing the next Brent Borough Plan 2015 – 2019 be endorsed;
(ii) that approval be given the timetable of actions set out at 3.15 of the Chief Executive’s report.