Issue - meetings
Event Day Parking and Vehicle Removals Pilot, and future arrangements for remaining visitor scratch cards
Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Event Day Parking and Vehicle removals (pilot) PDF 142 KB
In April 2014 the Council’s Executive (Cabinet) decided to make some alterations to the Council’s methods for removing illegally parked vehicles, and also relax Civil Enforcement Officer deployment on Wembley Stadium Event Days. This report summarises the impact of the trial on the Council’s Vehicle Removal operations, and consequently makes recommendations for future vehicle removal activity. This report also provides an update on the validity of Visitor Parking Scratch Cards, which were scheduled to be removed from circulation on 31 August 2014.
(i) that the findings of the Removal Pilot set out in paragraphs 3.5 to 3.11, the changes made between the start and end of the trial, and also the Financial Implications as set out in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.8 be noted;
(ii) that agreement be given to continue the use of the revised criteria for vehicle removal which have resulted from operating the trial, and also the implementation of proposed Customer Enhancements;
(iii) that the authority be delegated to the Operational Director, Environment & Protection to make minor amendments to the criteria and arrangements, on a continuing basis in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment. Any such change(s) would be subject to the agreement of the Chief Finance Officer;
(iv) that the validity of visitor parking scratch cards, already in circulation, be extended indefinitely .
The Chair (Councillor Butt, Leader of the Council) reminded the Cabinet that in April 2014 the Council’s Executive decided to make some alterations to the Council’s methods for removing illegally parked vehicles and also relax Civil Enforcement Officer deployment on Wembley Stadium Event Days. The report from the Strategic Director, Environment and Neighbourhoods summarised the impact of the trial on the council’s vehicle removal operations, and consequently made recommendations for future vehicle removal activity. The report also provided an update on the validity of Visitor Parking Scratch Cards, which were scheduled to be removed from circulation on 31 August 2014.
Councillor Perrin asked to speak and drew attention to reference in the report to pressures on the parking account, the proposals which would result in a further loss in income of £303k and questioned whether the timing of the decision was right in the financial climate. Councillor Butt responded that the it was felt that the financial implications of towing away cars was disproportionate and there was a need for the council to be seen to be fair to residents.
The Strategic Director Environment and Neighbourhoods, Sue Harper, advised that there would be a focus on serious offences, for example parking on yellow lines, thereby causing traffic flow problems and then to issue a PCN instead of cars being towed on less serious events. Additionally, it was proposed that validity date of those remaining scratch cards in circulation since the decision in 2013 to cease sale be extended indefinitely.
Councillor Mashari (Lead Member, Employment and Skills) questioned whether there were any disability implications and Sue Harper responded that the number of cars towed away for obstructing pavements was relatively low but those that impede pedestrians may still be towed. The vehicles of repeat offenders would still be removed. Councillor Butt reminded the Cabinet that the aim of enforcement was to change behaviour.
(i) that the findings of the Removal Pilot set out in paragraphs 3.5 to 3.11 of the report from the Strategic Director, Environment and Neighbourhoods, the changes made between the start and end of the trial, and also the financial implications as set out in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.8 be noted;
(ii) that agreement be given to continue the use of the revised criteria for vehicle removal which have resulted from operating the trial, and also the implementation of proposed Customer Enhancements;
(iii) that the authority be delegated to the Operational Director, Environment and Protection to make minor amendments to the criteria and arrangements, on a continuing basis in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment. Any such change(s) would be subject to the agreement of the Chief Finance Officer;
(iv) that the validity of visitor parking scratch cards, already in circulation, be extended indefinitely.