Issue - meetings
Customer Access strategy and target operating model
Meeting: 13/10/2014 - Cabinet (Item 10)
10 Customer Access strategy and target operating model PDF 138 KB
This report sets out proposals for transforming the arrangements that we have in place to enable residents to access information and services more easily and more efficiently. The aim of the new strategy is both to improve residents’ experience when they do contact Brent and increase the efficiency of our overall operating arrangements.
Additional documents:
- rg-customer-access-appendix-a, item 10 PDF 287 KB
- rg-customer-access-appendix-b, item 10 PDF 190 KB
- rg-customer-access-appendix-c, item 10 PDF 445 KB
- rg-customer-access-appendix-c1, item 10 PDF 201 KB
that approval be given to the new Access Strategy and the planned implementation of this, as set out in Section 3 of the report.
The report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth set out proposals for transforming the arrangements in place to enable residents to access information and services more easily and more efficiently. The aim of the new strategy was both to improve residents’ experience when they did contact Brent and increase the efficiency of overall operating arrangements.
Councillor Butt (Chair, Leader of the Council) responded that the focus was on residents having access to council services whether by telephone or social media. The council would be working with partners to ensure that people were not disadvantaged and were able to access services. Members welcomed the access strategy in particular the ‘Tell Us Once’ approach for residents’ information to be shared with other services they require avoiding duplication. Councillor Denselow acknowledged that online contact was not suitable for everyone and encouraged attendance at the meeting scheduled for 27 October where the potential for the new Willesden centre would be discussed.
Councillor Mashari (Lead Member, Employment and Skills) referred to the need for the council to make £54m savings. Discussions would be taking place on how to involve other agencies but she assured that the services would still be community focussed. More information would be forthcoming on the provision of IT in the library and self service areas. Councillor Pavey (Lead Member, Resources) stated that digital service provision was the becoming the norm, library staff would be able to assist with basic enquiries and most people were happy to use self service providing support was on hand. The Strategic Director, Regeneration and Growth assured that that the council was aiming to provide improved services for those with complex needs.
Councillor Denselow (Lead Member, Stronger Communities) advised that group discussions would take place over the usage of space in the new centre based on both improving access for all residents and delivering savings.
that approval be given to the new Access Strategy and the planned implementation of this, as set out in Section 3 of the report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth.