Issue - meetings
15 Greenfell Gardens, Harrow, HA3 0QZ (Ref. 09/1750)
Meeting: 16/09/2009 - Planning Committee (Item 6)
6 15 Greenfell Gardens, Harrow, HA3 0QZ (Ref. 09/1750) PDF 255 KB
09/1750 |
Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of two storey side extension and part single part two storey rear extension to dwellinghouse.
OFFICER RECOMMENDATION: Grant planning permission subject to conditions. |
The Planning Manager, Geoff Hewlett, referred to an additional representation from a neighbour requesting the existing hedge to be replaced with a structure of approximate equal height in order to preserve privacy and security. In response he confirmed that the hedge and the existing fence of 1.8m would be retained as part of the proposal. In order to reinforce this requirement, he recommended an additional condition as set out in the tabled supplementary information that required the applicant to submit details of the boundary treatment in order to minimise impact on privacy. Mindful of the impact of the level differences in the rear garden he also recommended an additional condition requiring the applicant to submit for approval, further details of the patio area and access arrangements.
The applicant, Mrs Soneji expressed satisfaction with the additional conditions and therefore withdrew her request to address the Committee.
DECISION: Planning permission granted subject to conditions and additional conditions requiring the applicant to submit details of the boundary treatment and further details of the patio area and access arrangements for approval. |