Issue - meetings
Brent Employment Services Provider Framework
Meeting: 26/08/2014 - Cabinet (Item 7)
7 Brent Employment Services Provider Framework PDF 147 KB
This report sets out the terms of a provider framework agreement for the procurement of employment-related support services in Brent. To this end, the report explains the context and detail of the Brent Employment Services Provider Framework from conception through to anticipated delivery.
Additional documents:
(i) that approval be given to the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders for the Brent Employment Services Provider Framework as set out in paragraph 3.26 of the report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth;
(ii) that approval be given to the proposal to invite expressions of interest, agree shortlists, invite tenders for the Brent Employment Services Provider Framework and evaluate them in accordance with the evaluation criteria referred to in paragraph (i) above.
(iii) that approval be given to a waiver from Contract Standing Order 104 (b) to evaluate Framework tenders solely on the basis of 100 per cent Quality as opposed to considering the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) for the reasons set out in Para. 3.28 to 3.34 of the Director’s report.
Councillor Mashari (Lead Member, Employment and Skills) introduced the report which set out the terms of a provider framework agreement for the procurement of employment-related support services in Brent. The report explained the context and detail of the Brent Employment Services Provider Framework from conception through to anticipated delivery. Councillor Mashari stated that the framework would commission and identify partners to increase the chances of successful bidding for external funding for employment services and increase coordination. The invitation to tender would be launched on 1 September with a view to sign off in November 2014. Councillor Mashari drew members’ attention to the Equalities Impact Assessment appended to the report.
The Cabinet welcomed the initiative as a good example of working with the voluntary sector and the opportunity to provide jobs for residents. Councillor Mashari also confirmed that support would be targeted at those communities most in need.
(i) that approval be given to the pre-tender considerations and the criteria to be used to evaluate tenders for the Brent Employment Services Provider Framework as set out in paragraph 3.26 of the report from the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth;
(ii) that approval be given to the proposal to invite expressions of interest, agree shortlists, invite tenders for the Brent Employment Services Provider Framework and their evaluation in accordance with the evaluation criteria referred to in paragraph (i) above;
(iii) that approval be given to a waiver from Contract Standing Order 104 (b) to evaluate Framework tenders solely on the basis of 100 per cent Quality as opposed to considering the Most Economically Advantageous Tender for the reasons set out in para. 3.28 to 3.34 of the Director’s report.