Issue - meetings
Performance and Finance Review
Meeting: 21/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 20)
20 Performance and Finance Review Quarter 4 PDF 357 KB
The purpose of this report is to provide Members with a corporate overview of performance information, to support informed decision-making, and to manage performance effectively.
Additional documents:
(i) that the performance information contained in this report be noted and remedial actions taken as necessary;
(ii) that the current and future strategic risks associated with the information provided be noted and remedial actions taken as appropriate.
The report from the Assistant Chief Executive provided members with a corporate overview of performance information, to support informed decision-making, and to manage performance effectively. Benchmarking information was also provided where available from the London Councils’ benchmarking club (LAPS). Where available, performance information covering the period April and May 2014 had also been included, to provide members with further performance trend data. Commentary was also provided to explain the performance of those measures which are rated as high risk. Ben Spinks (Assistant Chief Executive) drew members’ attention to the commentary on remedial actions. It was noted that this was the last time that the performance information would be presented in this format. A revised format would be introduced for 2014/15 Quarter 1, including a refreshed suite of performance measures.
The Cabinet noted the statistics on looked after children and the number of moves in a year, however Councillor Moher (Lead Member, Children and Young People) cautioned against taking the statistics at face value. Concern was also expressed at the number of secondary schools judged as inadequate by Ofsted and Sara Williams responded that the council was working with schools to improve performance.
(i) that the performance information contained in the report be noted and remedial actions taken as necessary;
(ii) that the current and future strategic risks associated with the information provided be noted and remedial actions taken as appropriate.