Issue - meetings
Carlyon Road - disposal of property
Meeting: 21/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 15)
15 Carlyon Road - disposal of property PDF 603 KB
This report sets out proposals for the disposal of the Councils’ land and premises at 1C Carlyon Road, Alperton, HA0 1HH, appendix 1 details a location plan, title plan (as per heads of terms) and site plan (as per heads of terms).
Additional documents:
- rg-1c-carlyon-road-app3, item 15 PDF 153 KB
- rg-1c-carlyon-road-app3a, item 15 PDF 203 KB
- rg-1c-carlyon-Road-app4-restricted , View reasons restricted (15/4)
- rg-1c-carlyon-Road-app4a-restricted , View reasons restricted (15/5)
- rg-1c-carlyon-Road-app4b-restricted , View reasons restricted (15/6)
(i) that approve be given to the disposal of a long leasehold interest in the land and premises at 1C Carlyon Road, Alperton HA0 1HH, as outlined on the attached plan (Appendix A) on a subject to planning basis to the first preferred bidder as identified in confidential appendix 4 for a capital receipt and 100% nominations rights in respect of affordable housing provision in favour of the Council upon the grant of planning consent – subject to financial checks;
(ii) in the event that the above offer does not proceed satisfactorily delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth in consultation with the Lead Member for Regeneration & Growth to take a decision to revert to the first reserve bid as set out in confidential appendix 4 – subject to financial checks.
(iii) authority be granted to the Operational Director Property and Projects to agree the terms of the transaction in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer.
The report from the Strategic Director set out proposals for the disposal of the Council’s land and premises at 1C Carlyon Road, Alperton, HA0 1HH. Appendix 1 of the report detailed a location plan, title plan (as per heads of terms) and site plan (as per heads of terms). The Cabinet welcomed the proposals which were in line with council policy of mixed use development including affordable housing.
The Cabinet also had before them an appendix to the report which was not for publication as it contained the following category of exempt information as specified in Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1972:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
The Cabinet thanked officers involved for their work on the project.
(i) that approval be given to the disposal of a long leasehold interest in the land and premises at 1C Carlyon Road, Alperton, HA0 1HH, as outlined on the attached plan (Appendix A) on a subject to planning basis to the first preferred bidder as identified in the exempt from publication appendix 4 for a capital receipt and 100% nominations rights in respect of affordable housing provision in favour of the Council upon the grant of planning consent, subject to financial checks;
(ii) that in the event that the above offer does not proceed satisfactorily delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director of Regeneration and Growth in consultation with the Lead Member for Regeneration and Housing to take a decision to revert to the first reserve bid as set out in the exempt from publication appendix 4, subject to financial checks;
(iii) that authority be granted to the Operational Director Property and Projects to agree the terms of the transaction in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer.